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紫色的散文。Purple prose.

散文,他简单地说。Prose, he said simply.

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他的散文读起来像诗一样。His prose reads like poetry.

这篇散文不合标准。The essay is below the mark.

他的摘要把诗散文化了。His summary prosifies the poem.

把韵文改写成散文。Transpose the verse into prose.

你能把这首诗改写成散文吗?。Can you do this poem into prose?

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他的散文有拘泥的特性。His prose has a buckram quality.

钦佩她那强劲有力的散文风格。I admire her sinewy prose style.

那更像是诗歌而不像散文。It was more of poetry than prose.

新的和重印的诗歌和散文。New and reprints of poetry and prose.

但对诗歌,散文和小说就不能如此。Not so with poems, essays and novels.

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一个学生晚交了一篇散文。A student is late handing in an essay.

第四章探讨康海的散文创作。Chapter Four deals with Kang"s prose."

他最近出版一本论散文的著作。He has lately set forth a book on prose.

他的散文文笔流畅。His essays are of an easy flowing style.

请把这段散文改写成诗歌。Please turn this piece of prose into verse.

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他能一字不漏地背诵那篇散文。He could recite the prose chapter and verse.

这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.

张天健是四川散文界的一位散文作家。Zhang Tianjian is a Sichuan writer of prose.