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最常见的一种病因是椎间盘突出。One common cause is a herniated disc.

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肉状瘤病的病因尚不清楚。The etiology of sarcoidosis is unknown.

听力障碍和耳聋的病因Causes of hearing impairment and deafness

病因未详。What brought on the illness is not clear.

乳腺囊肿病因依旧不明。The cause of breast cysts remains unknown.

过敏性紫癜的病因是什么?The cause of allergic purpura What is this?

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缺氧与产伤为其主要病因。The main causes were anoxia and birth injury.

本病病因不明,以雌激素替代治疗。Estrogen was given for substitutional therapy.

本沃利奥我尊敬的伯父,您知道他忧郁的病因吗?BENVOLIO My noble uncle, do you know the cause?

间盘退变也是很重要的病因。Disc degenerative disease is a cause of concern.

我们总共发现了38中不同的病因。A total of 38 different etiologies were observed.

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目的探索克山病病因。Objective To explore the cause of Keshan disease.

其病因尚不明确。The etiology of moyamoya disease is still unknown.

急性鼻窦炎的治疗取决于其病因。Treatment of acute sinusitis depends on the cause.

女人原发性闭经的病因是啥子?。A woman with primary amenorrhea , the cause of that?

落枕的定义、病因病机。Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Stiff Neck.

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此症的病因是精氨基琥珀酸合成基因的突变。Mutations in the ASS gene cause type I citrullinemia.

心房颤动的发生常有其基础病因和促发因素。The attack of AF has its fundamental cause and trigger.

贫血有很多类型,每种都有不同的病因。There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause.