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欢乐或苦难的熬煎。Of joy or sorrow.

呵鸟雀的欢乐!Oh joy of the birds!

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希望明天的抢听会也会很欢乐。Hope it'll be fun too.

在哪儿都可以度过欢乐时光。Happy hours everywhere.

她绽出笑容,显露内心的欢乐。Her smile told her joy.

我猜他在床上肯定很欢乐。Bet he's a joy in bed eh.

那是她的骄傲和欢乐。It was her pride and joy.

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欢乐的歌儿唱呀么唱起来。Let's sing a song of joy.

他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中。He is in immeasurable joy.

响亮地送出一只欢乐的歌。Peals out a cheerful song.

他们从不感到欢乐,但经常心醉神迷。Joy never, ecstasy forever.

欢乐拥上他的心头。Joy welled up in his heart.

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藉时将会又是个“欢乐巴哥”会。And it will be "Pug-tastic"!

欢乐与游戏尽在玩具反斗城。Fun and Games at Toys"R" Us.

绿袖儿就是我的欢乐。Greensleeves was all my joy.

欢乐和笑声,到处!Joy and laughter everywhere!

它奏出一曲欢乐的乐章。It brings about a joy string.

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似乎都激起心头的欢乐。It seemed a thill of pleasure.

无我是最无限的欢乐。Non-being is the greatest joy.

我怒视着这欢乐四人组。I glared at the merry foursome.