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他打着呵欠作了模棱两可的回答。He yawned a doubtful relay.

这部作品充满了似非而是及模棱两可之处。This is a poem full of ambiguity.

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然则幸子却模棱两可。But luckily the son but ambiguity.

他对事实不应说得模棱两可。He should not palter with the truth.

模棱两可中存在价值。"There is value in ambiguity," Kuehl said.

劳拉不想听到这种模棱两可的回答,这简直就是在糊弄。Laura was not fooled by the waffling reply.

他们模棱两可的表态对市场没有任何好处。And that ambiguity is no good for the markets.

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当我向他请教时,他常常讲些模棱两可的话。He often quibbled when I asked for his advice.

模棱两可和含糊不清已不再为人所接受。Ambiguity and vagueness were no longer an option.

我曾经指出,「欢爽」是一个模棱两可的术语。Jouissance, as I pointed out, is an ambiguous term.

古代的神谕常是意义模糊和模棱两可的。The ancient oracles were often vague and equivocal.

这个模棱两可的答复使他无论回答“是”还是说“否”都不会受窘。Why are you always so ambiguous about this problem?

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我来说一个模棱两可的东西,你叫什么?Let me just point out an ambiguity. Whats your name?

她给出的答案模棱两可,是典型的政客做派。She gives anequivocal answer, typical of a politician.

同时,这样的一段时期,是反反复复,模棱两可,困惑迷茫的。This is a time of overlap, or ambiguity and of confusion.

那些制定模棱两可的法律备忘录的人呢,他们应该接受调查吗?Should authors of dubious legal memoranda be investigated?

这就是作为人类,平衡和模棱两可的一部分。This is part of the exquisitess and ambiguity of being human.

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她模棱两可的评价使得一阵极度的凄伤袭上我的心头。Her ambiguous remarks made me seized by a profound melancholy.

如果答案模棱两可,美国人就会设想最糟糕的情况。If the answer is mumbling, the Americans will assume the worst.

不过,他的很多话中存在着模棱两可的内容。But there is an element of equivocation in some of his statements.