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我的预感应验了。My premonition was right.

我预感自己可能会失败。I foreboded that I might fail.

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我那里有很不祥的预感,老爷。I had great forebodings , sire.

如果这只是预感怎么办?And what if this is premonition ?

不久他们的预感就成为了现实。Soon their premonition came true.

被激起的猜想或预感。An inspired guess or presentiment.

他对他的死有预感。He had a premonition of his death.

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不要在预感的基础上采取行动,在事实基础上行动吧。Don’t act on hunches, act on facts.

人在任何情况下都有预感。All situations have their instincts.

一个人能从梦中预感将来。In dreams one may presage the future.

她模糊地预感到危险。She had a vague premonition of danger.

她时时有一种不祥的预感。She often has an ominous presentiment.

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不过我的预感是,人们的记忆是短暂的。But my hunch is that memories are short.

他一直有祸事临头的预感。He had a presentiment of trouble coming.

我早有预感你会约我出去。I had a hunch you were gonna ask me out.

对此我有一种很不祥的预感。I have a very bad premonition about this.

左少卿已经预感到危险。ZuoShaoQing had a presentiment of danger.

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不要相信你的直觉,胆量和预感。Don't trust your intuition, gut or hunches.

那是一个非常有维多利亚预感的机构。It’s a very foreboding Victorian institution.

某种预感警告探险者将有麻烦发生。Some prevision warned the explorer of trouble.