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她母亲是一个勤俭的主妇。Her mother is a thrifty housewife.

财富由勤俭而来。Wealth flows from industry and economy.

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我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。We must not equate thrift with stinginess.

我们要勤俭办一切事业。We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily.

对于我们个人来说,我将告知并要求周围的人勤俭生活。As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily.

官行贿赂致罪悔,富不勤俭贫时悔。The bribery crime to do the nation, rich and poor regret not when.

勤俭建军、艰苦奋斗是人民军队的优良传统。Plain living and hard working is the people's army's fine tradition.

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办任何事都要勤俭。Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on.

它有助于培养学生的团队精神和勤俭朴素的美德。It can help to train the students'team-work spirit and virtue of thrifty.

她持家勤俭,买衣裳花的是批发价钱。She ran her apartment with thrift and bought her clothes at trade prices.

另一个节省开支的用意是形成一种勤俭的文化。The other reason to spend money slowly is to encourage a culture of cheapness.

过了一会,他说,“中国较强的适应力,能够向西方学习”,接着,又加了一句像是从宣传标语中抽出来的,“劳动人民的勤俭奋斗精神。”“The ability of China to adapt, ” he said after a long silence. “To learn from the West.”

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勤俭的市民喜欢省钱的折价卷,爱好划算的交易,厌恶浪费。Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful.

你可以谈谈基督救世军的“勤俭仓库”①、也可以翻翻屋子、找材料做个募捐箱。You can talk about thrift stores and go through the house gathering items for a donation box.

正是这些借贷让我们的经济陷入泥沼,现在勤俭之风又回来了。All that borrowing set the stage for our current economic morass, and now thrift is back in vogue.

尽管坐拥上亿美元的财富,刘氏兄弟在亲戚朋友的眼中仍然是勤俭、谦逊的。Even with billions of dollars, family members and friends say the Liu brothers are frugal and modest.

颇似中国跟日本,勤俭的德国是靠他人的放纵来维持生计的。Rather like China and Japan, virtuous Germany has made its living out of the overindulgence of others.

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勤俭朴素,热爱集体,以诚待人,关心同学,乐于助人,有较强的时间观念。Thrift and simple, love collective, honest, caring students, helpful, there is a strong sense of time.

然后你可以带着孩子把募捐箱放到到当地救世军的“勤俭仓库”,或是购买那里募款义卖的物品②。Then you can take the kids to your local Salvation Army thrift store to drop the box off and shop, too.

不讲故事的话,我可以只是简单地和他们说教勤俭的美德。Instead of regaling my children with these tales, I could simply lecture them about the virtues of thrift.