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铅团在鼓风炉中被溶解。The lead paste is then smelted in a blast furnace.

焦炭最初是在鼓风炉里作为助燃剂使用。Coke is used predominantly as a fuel reluctant in the blast furnace.

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介绍了某镍冶炼厂鼓风炉控制系统。The paper introduces the nickel smelting blast furnace control system.

我们可以把赤铁矿和碳在鼓风炉内一起加热来提取铁。We can extract iron from haematite by heating it with carbon in a blast furnace.

铅团在鼓风炉中被溶解。杂质就能被掠去了。The lead paste is then smelted in a blast furnace. Impurities can be skimmed off.

通过对鼓风炉前床进行保温改造,取得了较好的效果。After improvement of insulation on blast furnace front bed, much better results are achieved.

之后这些植物被投进鼓风炉来消除有毒元素。These plants would then be burned in blast furnaces in order to eliminate the toxic elements.

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由于软化水不合要求,使鼓风炉水套内产生了致密的水垢。Due to unsatisfactory softened water, dense water scale grows inside the cooling water jacket blast furnace.

吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流。A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.

研究编制了密闭鼓风炉炼铜物料平衡电算程序。A program for material balance calculation in copper smelting with blast furnace has been studied in the paper.

介绍了铅鼓风炉的基本参数和熔融炉渣的物理化学性质。The basic parameters of lead blast furnace and physicochemical property of melting furnace slag were introduced.

场所占地面积约200hm2,曾是蒂森钢铁公司的钢铁工厂以及鼓风炉所在地。The site, approximately 200 hectares, had been occupied by iron works and blast furnaces of the Thyssen Steel Company.

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次氧化锌是烟化炉处理铅、锌密闭鼓风炉炉渣时沉积于烟道中的烟尘。The design and innovation of airtight blast furnace which used to smelts secondary copper concentrate were intro duced.

准确预测密闭鼓风炉的透气性,对于提高密闭鼓风炉的产量具有重要意义。The accurate prediction of the permeability in the Imperial Smelting Furnace is meaningful for increasing the output of ISF.

它的广泛报导集中在鼓风炉、电弧炉、熔炉等能量与燃料消耗。Its comprehensive coverage focuses on energy and fuel consumption in blast furnaces, electric arc furnaces, and smelters , etc.

从改装的鼓风炉升降机上看,会看到一条长200米的倒流的喷泉,这使游客产生一种水往山上流的视觉假象。As viewed from the retrofitted furnace elevator, a 200 meter reverse flow fountain creates the optical illusion of water flowing uphill.

铁矿石必须符合一定的明确的大小分类,以符合在鼓风炉中的炼铁过程。Iron ore must conform to a certain definite size distribution in order to be acceptable to the iron-making process in the blast-furnace.

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上述工作表明,本文所建立的鼓风炉还原熔炼模型能够较好的描述鼓风炉熔炼高铅渣的过程。Those demonstrated that the formed-model in this paper can basically interpret the process for the high lead slag smelting in blast furnace.

通过综合分析与论证,选择了压团—炼铜密闭鼓风炉熔炼工艺。Through comprehensive analysis and discussion, the process of briquetting-smelting by closed-top blast furnace for copper smelting is selected.

试验和工业实践证明,鼓风炉粉煤喷吹炼铅工艺是成功有效的。The trial and industrial practice demonstrate that blast furnace pulverizing coal injection lead extraction process is successful and effective.