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杂技演员表演的绝技。A performance by mummers.

他的必杀绝技是飞刀。He is deadly with a blade.

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他在竹梯上表演了体育绝技。He did athletic stunts on bamboo ladders.

比哈尔邦的独门绝技已经传到中国!Transfer of expertise from BIHAR to CHINA! !

中国绝技研究及特技奇技表演专家。China's research and special clever stunt performance experts.

飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。The aeroplanes were flying upside down and doing other stunts.

倘若你肯将一个波浪起伏的绝技传授给我。Would you the undulation of one wave, its trick to me transfer.

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月,一名杂技团演员在表演高空自行车走钢丝绝技。In July 2007, an acrobat cycles the high-wire – a stunning feat.

少林绝技二指禅是少林鹰派武术的代表性套路。Shao-lin unique er-zhi-zen is the representative of hawk's claw.

站在他身边的四个保镖个个身怀绝技。Stand at him nearby of four bodyguard carry an incomparable skill.

那名魔术师最厉害的绝技是让箱子里的女人消失。The magician's best trick was to make the woman in the box vanish.

由于有些加入马戏团的人身怀祖传绝技。Due to some hereditary miracle in the people who joined the circus.

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当中最让人难以置信的绝技由弗兰克·查里兹创下。The most incredible stunt of all was carried out by Frank Richards.

这三年里,他都练些什么绝技呢?What kind of outstanding stunt was he doing during these three years?

当我在爱波伦丝太太的课堂上又试我的“绝技”时,我小小地吃了一惊。I got a little surprise when I tried this same stunt in Mrs. Abrams' class.

养生绝技,内调外护,容颜更新,健康安全。Skills of living, Ultimate body effect, Newness appearance, Healthy & safety.

无论我是在表演一项绝技,还是在我的休息日休息,我都是在进行一场冒险。Whether I’m performing a big stunt or I’m on my day off, I’m on an adventure.

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不仅如此,他在切尔西已经开始展现出神入化的任意球绝技了。And on top of all that, he's started belting in free-kicks at will with Chelsea.

我随说不上是一个身怀绝技的人,但也算是个万事通。I am not a man of hidden talents but I may be considered as a jack of all trades.

同时,在奥运金牌中使用的金镶玉绝技也会亮相。In the mean time, the skills of Olympic gold medal will appear in the exhibition.