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你问别人的本命年是哪一年。You ask others' animal year.

今年是我的本命年。This year is my year of fate.

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中国人说每12年是一个本命年。Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.

而按照中国的属相,我是属马的,今年是我的本命年。Since I am a Horse in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.

而按照中国的属相,我是属兔的,今年是我的本命年。Since I am a Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.

祝自己从被本命年笼罩了一年的的阴霾中走出来!Own wish from the Benming year over the year to come out of the haze!

到了本命年,人们认为会更容易倒霉。When it"s your year, it is believed you are going to get more bad luck."

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这些为本命年辟邪的红色什物就是什么常说的“本命红”。Of particular feature is that red is viewed as a colour that wards off evil.

每种元素对人们的本命年都有各自的个性、特征以及未来走向。Each element speaks to one’s personality, traits, and future unique to their birth year.

那么按中国人的说法,我数兔,明年就是我的本命年了,是吗?So according to the chinese way of speaking, I'm a Rabbit, so next year is my CZAY, correct?

尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficult this year.

本命年的生日就是除夕,我想这是这个春节唯一一点特别的地方。Birthday in the year of fate is the New Year's Eve. This is theonly special event of the Festival. I think.

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再问您一个私人问题,今年是虎年,也是您的本命年,您在这一年有什么感想和计划?And you were born in the year of the tiger. How do you feel about it and what plans do you have for this year?

今年是我本命年,中国人在本命年都要系红腰带、穿红袜子什么的。This year is my chinese zodiac anniversary year, chinese people have to tie a red belt and wear red socks, and so on.

本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的崇拜。The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture's veneration towards red colour.

那也是民间的一种方法。除了本命年外,其他一些场合,也有人会用这种方法提升运气。That's also something you could do to bring luck and avoid evil, not only in your cycle year, but also at other occasions.

对我而言,这不仅仅是个普通的兔年,还是我人生的第5个本命年。For me, this is not just an ordinary Rabbit year, but the big one which completes a cycle of 5 sets of 12 years of the Rabbit.

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都说你任劳任怨,都说你是人民公仆,都说你是劳模,今年是你的本命年,牛人,五一就休息下吧!Say you work hard, all say you are civil servants, all say you are a model, this year is your year, cattle people, may break down!

本命年中对生肖本命神的信仰及辟邪祈福等民俗现象越来越受到人们的关注。The folk customs of worship for the Zodiacs in peoples Zodiacal year and prayer for the good fortune have increasingly been concerned.