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我很难换过来,因此我就将计就计了。It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.

我们已经知道敌人的阴谋,为何不将计就计呢?Why not turn to advantage the enemy's plot, since we have known it?

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布朗很快作出反应,将计就计,给予了调查小组更多的自主权。Mr Brown promptly backtracked, giving the panel flexibility over how it will operate.

阿尔泰决定将计就计,先下手为强,对付邵正。Altai decided tos beat him at his own game, start first for strong, deal with ShaoZheng.

中国移动则将计就计,用免费礼品卡推销其Wi-Fi服务,吴肖在报告中写道。And China Mobile is playing along, Wu reports, promoting its Wi-Fi service with free gift cards.

他希望诺兰向格雷森国际投资,以助他进入高层,艾米莉决定将计就计。He hopes Nolan to Grayson, international investment, to help him into the top, Emily decided to countermine.

林芳在办公室偷偷安上了摄像头,有了小奇动自己电脑的证据,准备将计就计。Lin fang secretly install the camera in the office, a little strange move your computer evidence, ready to countermine.

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几人商量了一下既然东方不败下令捉拿令狐冲便将计就计明天一起上黑木崖。A few people discuss about since east dont hurt ordered the arrest linghu chong and counterplot tomorrow together HeiMu cliff.

绝地委员会原本不会允许自己的委任权遭到外部干涉,但是绝地决定将计就计。Ordinarily, the Jedi Council would not allow such an outside influence to dictate their appointments, but the Jedi had a plan.

马上花悻悻下山正好遇见马三笑的手下,马上花将计就计帮抗联搞来粮食,谁知回家时却被前原抓捕。Immediately take down bitterly met people immediately take Ma Sanxiao, will help to get its food, who was arrested before the original home.

有一天拍摄的时候,雪花不期而至,瑞恩将计就计,一上午就把表现冬天的镜头都拍完了。When snow came unexpectedly one day during the shoot, the cinematographer was able to grab all of the wintry nature shots in a single morning.

梅森建议他们干脆逮捕亚历克西斯,但杰克坚持先盘问伊丽莎白.纳什,考虑能否让她来帮助对亚历克西斯将计就计。Mason suggests that they just arrest Alexis, but Jack is insistent that they question Elizabeth Nash first and allow her to help lure in Alexis.

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众人决定将计就计,营救战俘,同时给鬼子来个反包围,不仅救出战俘,还要把附近的基地摧毁。They decided to meet at the same time to rescue prisoners, devils anti siege, not only rescued prisoners of war, but also to destroy nearby base.

顾雨萌为了使用电台将计就计把自己嫁给了黑虎,顾雨萌用电台给元泉发了电报“褚家寨”三个字。Gu Yumeng will put himself in order to use the radio station with Gu Yumeng married the black tiger, give a telegram "Chu Yuan Quan Zhai" three words.

当克劳迪亚斯王发现瓦伦西的行为后,他先是试图使瓦伦丁皈依异教,然而瓦伦丁却将计就计,反过来要使克劳迪亚斯王改信基督教。When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius.

黄鸣锋听闻哑豆是日本人,根据地的姜副镇长是日军的奸细,决定将计就计,利用姜副镇长误导杉木。Huang feng heard dumb bean is Japanese, base of ginger, vice mayor is the Japanese spies, decided to countermine, use of ginger, vice mayor of misleading fir.

狡猾的李冬青早已看出端倪,将计就计,但等化装成保安团的狗娃进入李家寨后,一声令下,伏兵齐出,众枪指头。Cunning dong-qing li already see clue, playing along, but such as disguised as a security group of gowardesh after entering the lees village, commanded, ambush qi, the gun fingers.

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何田决定将计就计,当孔三多面杀掉孔祥仁,让孔三多乖乖听从日本人命令从而完成猎熊计划。He Tian decided to Counterplot, when more than three holes to kill Kong Xiangren, let more than and 3 hole Japanese obediently obey the command in order to complete a bear hunt plan.

为了达到目的,淳子小兔子偷病房钥匙却被藤村撞破,她将计就计将小泽兄弟的计划告诉了大藏并做起了多面间谍。In order to achieve a goal, junko bunny steal ward key was fujimara digging holes collided, she countermine will tell Mr Ozawas brother plan of the Tibet and start the multifaceted spy.

通过商战和军事对策的实例引进了矩阵对策上的计策等形式结构,研究了计策及将计就计等概念的性质。In the paper, we introduce the form structure of trick on a matrix game by the living examples on commercial warfare and military affairs. Research the properties of the concepts of trick, turnings.