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然后是洋葱和泡菜。Then onion and pickles.

吃从罐里捞出的泡菜。Eat pickles out of the jar.

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我的老板是一颗酸泡菜。My boss is such a sourpuss.

一些泡菜汁怎么样?How about some pickle juice?

但如果转换思路,也不妨做成泡菜。But for a change, make a pickle.

我需要一个坛子做泡菜。I need a jar to make the krauts.

韩式午餐,很多的泡菜。Korean lunch food, so many kimchi.

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一起还有花卷和泡菜。That's served with a roll and pickle.

不要把泡菜生姜和寿司一起吃。Don't put pickled ginger on your sushi.

我们吃的泡菜或许不一样。We might not be eating the same kimchi.

泡菜是韩国料理中发酵的什麽?Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented?

你还需要吃一些米饭和泡菜。You also need to eat some rice and kimchi.

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韩国餐没有泡菜是不完整的。A Korean meal is incomplete without kimchi.

他们每个人手里拿着一块小小的泡菜——是西印度黄瓜。Each of them was holding up a small pickle.

哈伦是个小明星,他可以打开泡菜罐。Harlan is a star, he can open a pickle jar.

这是我班上韩国同学做的泡菜。This is kimchi. My Korean classmate made it.

泡菜坛盛放着泡菜。A jar of pickle will contain pickled cabbage.

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泡菜,是韩国餐食的灵魂。Kimchi is the soul of the meals, South Korea.

他晚饭吃了一些什锦泡菜和米饭。He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.

彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers