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蒂娜博士说,观叶植物比显花植物更佳。Dr Tina says that foliage plants may be better than flowering plants.

在多数显花植物和无脊椎动物中,雌雄同体是正常现象。It is normal in most flowering plants and in some invertebrate animals.

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显花植物开始出现了,但仍然很少。Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity.

现在显花植物的“生活史”可以在游离营养细胞的水平上连结起来。The life cycle of flowering plants may now be bridged at the level of free vegetative cells.

显花植物的成熟子房,通常是胚珠受精后形成。Fruit The ripened OVARY of a flower that is usually formed following fertilization of the ovule.

这是显花植物学部网页,它是瑞典自然历史博物馆的组成部分。This is the page of Department of Phanerogamic Botany , it is a part of Swedish Museum of Natural History.

阔叶树属于显花植物,包括橡树、榆树、枫树、枞树和桦树。The broad-leaf trees are members of flowering plants, including the oaks, elms, maples, birches, and beeches.

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他依据显花植物的雄蕊数目把植物分为不同的纲,按照雌蕊的数目将纲进一步分为不同的目。He placed flowering plants into classes based on the number of stamens and subdivided the classes into orders based on the number of their pistils.

综述了关于显花植物童性的生理机制,生理生化标记,童期调控和花诱导等方面的经典理论和最新研究进展。The classic concepts and recent advances on the physiological mechanism, biological marker and the regulation of juvenility in flowering plant were reviewed.

我们都在设想没有树木,没有显花植物,甚至各大洲的位置都与现今不同的时候,这个地球是什么样子的。We speculate about what the Earth looked like when there were no trees, when there were no flowering plants, and when the continental land masses were in different positions than they are today.