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姜海和袁建行的演习方案被打入“冷宫”,二人十分沮丧。Jiang Hai and Yuan Jianhang exercise scheme in limbo, two people very upset.

这种执著似乎也把恋爱生子打入了冷宫。This single-mindedness seems to leave little room for romance or procreation.

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她的母亲因失去了他而丧失了心智,至今仍被关在冷宫里。His mother went crazy when she lost him and is locked up in the cold palace now.

我们得从这走了。公主殿下,你把他带到冷宫去看他母亲吧。We have to get out of here. Princess Dan Yang, you have to take him to the cold palace to meet concubine Dai.

替自己,也替那个在冷宫里傻傻等着那一人的月妃。Substitute ego, also substitute the month imperial concubine who is silly to wait that person in the chilly temple.

快被枪迷遗忘的森德罗斯曾一度认为在阿森纳生涯即将结束,今晚他将有机会走出冷宫。Forgotten man Philippe Senderos will come in from the cold tonight after admitting he thought his Arsenal career was over.

每个皇族都可能觊觎王位。她的母亲因失去了他而丧失了心智,至今仍被关在冷宫里。Every man with royal blood wants the throne. His mother went crazy when she lost him and is locked up in the cold palace now.

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冷宫中的女子,她们每一个人的经历,那就是一部完整的宫斗史!The woman in the cold temple, Moncler Veste Homme, the career of everybody of them, that is the temple Dou of an honesty history, Moncler Italia!

托雷斯完全的与球队融为一体是球队的长期目标,但显然,安帅现在更关心的是短期就能收到成效的投资,因此,托雷斯极有可能重返冷宫等待时机。Smoothing Torres's passage into the team remains the long-term objective but at present Ancelotti is concerned only about the short term. The Spaniard may have to wait.

很长一段时间,凯恩斯的有效需求不足论占据主流地位,哈耶克的结构失衡论则屈居冷宫。For a long period, Keynesian theory of insufficient effective demand occupied the mainstream position, while Hayek's theory of structural imbalance was not so prevailing.

很长一段时间,凯恩斯的有效需求不足论占据主流地位,哈耶克的结构失衡论则屈居冷宫。For a long period time, Keynesian theory of insufficient effective demand occupied the mainstream position, while Hayek's theory of structural imbalance is not so prevailing.

一部分上了年纪,放弃出冷宫的女子以虐待她为乐,好度过那漫长无尽头的枯燥生活,并且借以发泄心中不满。A chapter climbed age, give up a female of cold temple with mistreat her is joy, cost that so many infinite have not end of lifeless life, and borrow to vent center in disaffection.