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你必须考取驾驶证。You must have drive's license.

我目前的规划只到了考取高级工程师这一步。Now my plan is to be a senior engineer.

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我计划去考取一个佩带水肺潜水的证书。I'm planning to get a scuba diving licence.

不久,孙山先回到家里,同乡便来问他儿子有没有考取。It was not long before Sun Shan went back to his home.

拥有或能够考取有效救生员证者最佳。Possess or able to obtain a valid lifeguard certification.

而才华不如他的朋友考取了,而他这位才子竟落榜。And talent as a friend to pass him, and he has failed the Wets.

在大学的第二年,我还考取了导游证。In the second year of university, I obtained the tourist certificate.

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他考取了哈佛大学,一所许多人都向往的大学。He entered Harward University, a university that many people dream of.

目前我正与索尔斯克亚和吉格斯在考取教练证书。I'm doing my coaching badges now with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Giggsy.

普京娜1986年出生于德国德累斯顿,考取了圣彼得堡国立大学,拿到日本史学位。Yekaterina a Putina was born in 1986 in Dresden, Germany, and attended St.

海洋钳工行业认证有效,但是在新斯科舍省自愿考取,。Trade certification for marine fitters is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia.

上升希望上游在香港考取会计师资格,找一份稳定工作。Rising upstream in Hong Kong to accountant qualification, hope to find a stable job.

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青少年成长过程中传统上一个重要的里程碑就是考取驾照。One of the time-honored rites of passage for teenagers is getting a driver's license.

至于教师资格认证,你可以在来美任教的第一年间考取。The teaching certificate or license can be obtained during the first year of teaching.

舒茨建议重返学校或考取一些证书充实简历。Ms. Schutz suggests going back to school or earning certifications to bolster a resume.

风雨之后终见彩虹,21岁的洪战辉考取湖南怀化学院。After the rain finally appeared, the 21-year-old Hong Zhanhui obtain Hunan Huaihua College.

因此,学生们选择的考取证件,如英语4级,6级或会计上岗证等等。Therefore, students choose to work on certificates, such as CET 4, CET 6 or CAP, and so on.

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昨天我参加了中考,我认为我考得还不错,我相信我能考取我市最好的高中。Yesterday, I attended the high school entrance exam and I think I did very well in the exam.

我还没考大学,我想我考取后的状况和你差不多吧!I have not the university entrance exam, I think I qualify as the state of it and you almost!

2004年顺利考取了中国协和医科大学麻醉学专业。Luckily , in 2004 , i was admitted into peking union medicalcollege , majoring anesthesiology.