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自支持架空安装。Self-support aerial installation.

这里的竹楼都是架空的。The bamboo huts here are all built on stilts.

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一条架空索道横跨于黄河之上。An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River.

政治活动和更多的资金架空了法官的地位。Politics, more than funding, has kept judgeships empty.

钢芯铝绞线目前大量用于架空输电线路。ACSR is now widely used in overhead power transmission lines.

广泛用于架空、埋地通信电缆接续。Widely applied for the junction of over-head and embedded cable.

剧情架空在阴影突然侵袭中州世界。Overhead in the shadow of a sudden invasion plot Zhongzhou world.

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架空导线用铝镁硅合金导线。Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors.

缺少架空工作的工具,移动路线和安装位置不明。No overhead work over the tool move-in route or installation locations.

适合管道,槽道,电缆沟,架空,直埋等敷设方式。Suitable for pipe, channel, cable trenches, aerial, direct burial and so on.

通往十分站外落煤场的路线和架空电车线。The track to the hopper outside of Ping-Hsi Station and overhead power line.

无论是平民或政府,都喜欢架空走廊!Local residents and the local government alike are fond of overhead walkways!

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颐源居三期板楼的底层架空5.1米,庭院中的绿化从架空中空过。Yiyuanju the bottom elevated 5.1 metres, the courtyard from overhead at the green.

本文介绍几种低弧垂架空特种导线。This paper presents some low sag special conductors for overhead transmission lines.

其任务还有运用前沿技术,包括“架空所吊运机”系统。The mission will also employ cutting edge technology, including a "sky crane" system.

弧垂检测是保证架空输电线路安全运行的重要措施。Sag checking is an important method to insure the safe operating of transmission line.

在蒂亚的公寓,西奥多和赛尔夫收集“证据”时谋划将林肯架空。In Tia's apartment, T-Bag and Self collect "evidence" as they plot to take down Lincoln.

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怎么才能当我们都知道国王已被架空的时候,还让人们看上去是国王在实际做决定?How to make it seem that the king effectively decides, when we all know this is not true?

美国通过架空俄国经济和军备竞赛拖垮战术赢得了冷战胜利。America won the cold war by isolating the Soviet economy and stalemating its armed forces.

架空电力线振动测量是导线防振设计的重要环节。Measuring aerial power line vibration is a key link of anti-vibration design of conductors.