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我们是有上司的。There is a boss.

就是说还有上司。And there is a boss.

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我袭击了上司。I assaulted my C. O.

噢,这是我的上司李康先生。Oh, this is my boss Mr.

她的上司是巴斯康卜先生。Her boss is Mr. Bascomb.

他对上司卑躬曲膝。He cringed to his superiors.

他对上司溜须拍马。He fawns upon his superiors.

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他的上司怒火冲天。His boss was purple with rage.

他的上司们不喜欢他。His superiors disfavoured him.

缺乏上司的鼓励。Lack of reanimation from boss.

让你的上司来做第一步行动。Let your boss make first move.

他对上司毕恭毕敬。He stands in awe of his superior.

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我不喜欢对上司惟命是从。I hate to truckle to my superiors.

经常和你的上司核对一下绩效。Check in with your boss frequently.

他从不去讨好上司。He never go to coddle his superior.

他的上司认识该队的一个球员。His boss knows a player on the team.

莉萨认为她的上司是个粗人。Lisa thinks that her boss is an ass.

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凯恩女士,这是我的上司左腾先生。Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Satou my boss.

避免说前任上司的坏话。Avoid bad-mouthing previous employers.

格列佛,你不再是我的上司了。Gulliver, you are not my boss anymore.