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她被引入歧途。She was led astray.

年轻女子易被引入歧途。Young girls are easily led astray.

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我却盲目地一错再错入歧途。In blind error when I did persever.

但是走入歧途和失败更为常见。But missteps and failures are more usual.

这青年被伙伴诱入歧途。The youth was led away by his companions.

你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗?Do you think he ? or dylan ? is misguided.

你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗?Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided?

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没有重点,只有激情会将你引入歧途。Passion without focus can lead you astray.

这个国家被一个夸夸其谈的骗子引入歧途。The nation was led astray by a mountebank.

他不能让别人领入歧途。He must not allow himself to be led astray.

他的学说把许多人诱入歧途。His doctrines have seduced many into error.

他的学说引诱许多人走上歧途。His doctrines have seduced many into error.

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那个男孩很容易被同伴引入歧途。That boy is easily led away by his companions.

喔,主啊,保守我,免得我漂荡、远离、走入歧途,以致灭亡。O my LORD, keep me, lest I wander and fall and perish.

一味追求物质刺激,会把人们引向歧途。The mere pursuit of incentives will lead people astray.

我的错误将会由于使我误人歧途的各种动机而减轻my error will be palliated by the motives which mislead me

法老把他的百姓领入歧途,他未将他们引入正路。Pharaoh led his people astray instead of leading them aright.

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舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.

年轻观众很容易被这些商业广告引入歧途。The teenage viewers are easily led astray by these commercials.

但有时,理想过于远大只会将你引入歧途。But sometimes, having too great an aspiration can lead you astray.