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噘嘴是非常性感的。The pout is very sexual. To pout say “blue.”

白求恩放开了董的马,噘了噘嘴。Bethune released Tung's horse and made a wry mouth.

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你有没有噘嘴生过气?Have you been thinking angry thoughts about someone?

面对超速行驶的罚单,噘嘴可以使女人免于处罚,却会使男人被拘留。Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This willgetmen arrested.

面对超速行驶的罚单,噘嘴可以使男人免于处罚,却会使女人被拘留。Men can get out of speeding tickets by pouting . This will get men arrested.

面对超速罚单,噘嘴可以是女人免于处罚,却会使男人被拘留。Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting which will get men arrested.

我们会情绪化,我们会有被触动爆发的一刻,我们会和我们最亲的人噘嘴赌气。We all get moody, we all have triggers, and we can all pout with the best of them.

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对于噘嘴绷脸的人,想像一下你的男朋友已经离开你一个月了,现在他回来了,想看足球。For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month. Now he comes back and wants to watch football.

有时他们也会做鬼脸、噘嘴或者哭闹,日本和韩国的妈妈们比较喜欢拍这一类的照片。Sometimes they are making ridiculous faces, pouting, or crying — something she said Japanese and Korean mothers like to take pictures of.

在那些噘嘴绷脸的姿势、冒失的咧嘴大笑以及对“女孩威力”的敬意背后,是玩世不恭的媒体操纵和处心积虑的利用。Behind those pouting poses, cheeky grins, and GIRL Power salutes, there was a programme of cynical media manipulation and calculating exploitation.

例如,gay相包括一种噘嘴时嘴周围紧绷的表情,这在男女同性恋身上常见——但异性恋不多见。For example, gay face includes tightness around the mouth from pursing the lips, a facial expression common to gay men and women—but not to heterosexual men.

小镇、男孩、电影一同成长,查理卓别林的默片消匿于碧姬芭杜的噘嘴,后者又消匿于录放机。The town, the boy, the movies all grow up together, as the silent antics of Charlie Chaplin give way to the naked pout of Brigitte Bardot gives way to the VCR.

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接着我们看了一个50岁左右的纽约人,她满脸和满脖子都是布兰德的注射剂,看起来是完全过量了,她的嘴快要像鳟鱼噘嘴了。Next we see a 50-year-old New Yorker, who has had a full face and neck of injections from Brandt and looks completely overdone, her lips verging on the trout pout.

研究表明,对于睡眠窒息患者来说,一些面部运动,如微笑、噘嘴、舌头摆动等,可能有助于缓解这个问题。For sufferers of sleep apnea, research suggests that certain facial exercises, like smiling, puckering your lips, and wagging your tongue, may help ease the problem.