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我隔着铁丝网望望奥军的阵地。I looked across the wire at the Austrian lines.

美国爱荷华州铁丝网上的白霜。Hoarfrost on a wire fence in the US state of Iowa.

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巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf.

到了夜里,周遭的铁丝网都被灯光照亮。By night, the perimeter wire was illumined by lights.

警察列队在铁丝网路障旁站岗守卫。Lines of police stood guard by barbed-wire barricades.

雷恩透过铁丝网看到了他的老队长。Raine looked throught the mesh and saw his old captain.

在这一项目中,挑战者需要在带刀片的铁丝网下爬行。They have to crawl under yards and yards of barbed wire.

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如果罗玛不在施里本,那么她也不可能从铁丝网外向他扔苹果。If Roma wasn't there, then she wasn't throwing him apples.

今天,乌兹别克斯坦封锁了国境线,架起了五英尺的铁丝网。Today, Uzbek guards sealed the border, a 5ft barbed wire fence.

Lincoln将制服扔在铁丝网上,形成了一个安全的空隙。Lincoln throws the jumpsuits on the barbed wire, creating a gap.

墙体已有部分毁坏,然而,窗户的铁丝网还在。The walls are partly destroyed, however, the forge grids remain.

但是之后另一匹马的耳朵被尖锐的铁丝网勾住并扯断了。But then the other horse gets its ear ripped in a barbed wire fence.

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在后面的布拉格堡铁丝网活动继续分化的意见。Events behind the barbed wire at Fort Bragg continue to polarise opinion.

毕格罗公司位于拉斯维加斯的工厂不但被铁丝网层层包围了起来,而且还有荷枪实弹的守卫在巡逻。The Las Vegas site is hemmed by barbed wire and patrolled by armed guards.

受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.

这招也奏效了,直到另外一匹马的耳朵被铁丝网挂掉了一块儿。That worked fine until the other horse caught his ear on a barbed wire fence.

切勿触摸天线、水管、铁丝网等一类金属装置。Do not touch aerials, water pipes, wire fence and similar metal installations.

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在此之前,一直是北川县城周围的铁丝网。Prior to this, Kitagawa has been the county seat around the barbed wire fence.

石墨烯由排列成格子状的碳原子组成,看起来像铁丝网。Graphene consists of carbon atoms held together in a lattice like chicken wire.

这儿是没有任何标记的国际边界,没有围墙,没有铁丝网。There were no signs marking the international border, no fences, no barbed wire.