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哈利转脸又看了看湖水。Harry looked back at the water.

电视上播手术过程时,我只能转脸不看。When they show an operation on TV, I have to turn away.

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希西家就转脸朝墙,祷告耶和华说Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord

记者们转脸望向他,连珠炮似地向他发问。The reporters turned to him and started peppering him with questions.

希西家就转脸朝墙,祷告耶和华说。Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying.

希西家就转脸朝墙,祷告耶和华说Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD

简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger.

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王转脸为以色列会众祝福,以色列会众就都站立。While the whole assembly of Israel was standing there, the king turned around and blessed them.

王转脸为以色列会众祝福,以色列会众就都站立。Then the king turned around and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel stood.

波诺用紫色来打掩护,独立摇滚歌手猫女魔力转脸不看观众,而其他人则通常用赞安诺等来舒缓焦虑。The indie rock singer Cat Power faces away from the audience. Others turn to more standard solutions like Xanax.

他再不理睬听筒中那吱吱的声音,一手挂上了,就转脸看着丁医生微微笑着说。Disregarding the bewildered twittering from the other end of the line, he hung up and turned a smiling face to Dr. Ting.

他赶紧起身,转脸召唤那位领我进门并一直站在门旁的男仆。He turned away to give instructions to the houseboy who had admitted me and who had been waiting by the door all this time.

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女学生只能站在桥上,身穿整齐素色的衣裙,漫不经心地转脸远望。While girl students could do nothing but standing on the bridge, looking away from them casually, in their monotone but neat dress.

波诺用紫色来打掩护,独立摇滚歌手猫女魔力转脸不看观众,而其他人则通常用赞安诺等来舒缓焦虑。Bono has his purple shades. The indie rock singer Cat Power faces away from the audience. Others turn to more standard solutions like Xanax.

亚哈因耶斯列人拿伯说我不敢将我先人留下的产业给你,就闷闷不乐地回宫,躺在床上,转脸向内,也不吃饭。So Ahab went home, sullen and angry because Naboth the Jezreelite had said, 'I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.' He lay on his bed sulking and refused to eat.

亚哈因耶斯列人拿伯说我不敢将我先人留下的产业给你,就闷闷不乐地回宫,躺在床上,转脸向内,也不吃饭。So Ahab went home, sullen and angry because Naboth the Jezreelite had said, 'I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers. ' He lay on his bed sulking and refused to eat.

以川剧的变脸为基础,阿峰在没有借用川剧传统表演技法转脸的情况下同时实现脸衣鸽人的变化。Based on the face change of Sichuan opera, Feng simultaneously changes faces and outfits without turning his head which is the traditional performing technique of Sichuan opera.

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反而是奥巴马无视法律事务厅的意见,转脸就去拥抱投入白宫顾问行为正在破坏至关重要的对滥用总统权力进行法律审查的制度。In contrast, Mr. Obama’s decision to disregard that office’s opinion and embrace the White House counsel’s view is undermining a key legal check on arbitrary presidential power.