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一坨脂肪么?lumps of fat?

库库是非常脂肪。Koukou is very fat.

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那些羊肉都是多脂肪的。All that lamb is fatty.

玛丽不能消化脂肪性食物。Mary Can' t digest fat.

想在膳食中降低脂肪的含量?Want to cut fat in meals?

脂肪和卡路里Grams of fat and calories?

脂肪粒,黏住男人眼!The fat granule, stick man!

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但同时,你需要一些脂肪。But also, you need some fat.

牛奶中的共轭亚油酸也能对抗脂肪。CLA in milk fights fat, too.

高脂肪的食物使我健忘。Fatty foods give me amnesia.

有害的“脂肪”能使你傻乎乎么?Can “bad” fats make you dumb?

多余的食物作为脂肪贮存起来。Excess food is stored as fat.

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我们喜欢脂肪是有原因的There's a reason we like fat.

脂肪过多的饭餐是不健康的。A fat-laden meal is unhealthy.

毕竟,低脂肪比无脂肪好。Low fat is better than no fat.

这个问题是与脂肪有关。Theproblem has to do with fat.

妳不应该吃那麽多含脂肪的食物。You shouldn't eat so much fat.

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退房脂肪在阿罗哈乔!Check out Fat Joe in Aloha! ! !

它有恶臭和脂肪的香韵。It has catty and fatty nuances.

什么是内脏脂肪?What is splanchnic and adipose?