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现在决定为时过早。It's too early to tell.

现在对这事盖棺论定为时过早。It is too early to conclude this matter.

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但现在就庆祝似乎为时过早。But any celebration now appears premature.

但是,约曼斯说,这还为时过早。But that would be premature, Yeomans says.

预言结果还为时过早。It would be premature to forecast the outcome.

现在说是什么导致这一现象也许还为时过早。It's too early to say what might be causing it.

然而说这些还是为时过早,因此不要得意忘形。These are early days, so don't get carried away.

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但是对新业务的展望还为时过早了。But the expectation of new business is premature.

G7或G8成为历史还为时过早。It's too early to dismiss the G-7 or G-8 as history.

现在就赌中国经济行将崩溃,恐怕还为时过早。It's too soon to start betting on the collapse of China.

但现在要谈论价格面临上涨压力还为时过早。But it is too early to talk of upward pressure on prices.

但是这还为时过早谈一谈在中国硬着陆。But it's far too early to talk about a hard landing in China.

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我以为现在会商代庖代理题目为时过早。I think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency.

军队官方称,目前推测凶手的行凶动机还为时过早。Army officials said it was too early to speculate on any motive.

Weldon说目前讨论采取媒体攻势的计划还为时过早。Weldon said it was premature to discuss plans for a media campaign.

埃米特说,这是用硬,监管的手来还为时过早。Emmett says it's premature to come down with a hard, regulatory hand.

霍姆斯说,在法院里使用基因研究结果还为时过早。Holmes says it's way too early to use this research in a court of law.

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不过,她同时说,完全排除屠杀案后有更大阴谋的可能还为时过早。But she said it is too early to completely rule out a larger conspiracy.

然而,说鼠岛确实没有了老鼠还为时过早。It is too soon to say that Rat Island is definitively rat-free, however.

其它的天文学家警告要断言是否存在水还为时过早。Other astronomers cautioned it's too early to tell whether there is water.