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那个自私的人把自己束之高阁。The selfish man put himself on the shelf.

我把和父亲有关的想法都束之高阁。I steeled myself against thoughts of my father.

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希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。I hope this time they will not put my plan on the shelf.

所以,我们得把阴谋论束之高阁了。We'll have to put this conspiracy theory back on the shelf.

如果你过早地限定自己的目标,你就有被束之高阁的危险。If you narrow your focus too early, you risk being pigeonholed.

但作为一个同志电影演员是很怪的我束之高阁。But being pigeonholed as a gay film actor is kind of weird for me.

只有15张照片的简短计划这种想法很快被束之高阁。The idea of a short project with 15 photographs was rapidly shelved.

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你们已经准备就此打住,把这事束之高阁了。and you're just ready to throw it all to the floor and forget about it.

别的事都能束之高阁也,然后自我解嘲地微笑,睡去吧。Anything else can be shelved also, and then a smile of self-mockery, sleep bar.

因此3M公司的其它科学家把他的点子束之高阁,然后埋首于他们的工作。Therefore, the other scientists at 3M put aside his idea and went about their work.

但豪斯从来没有一个打包的童星,始终抗拒被束之高阁。But Winehouse was never a packaged teen star, and always resisted being pigeonholed.

录音带和录像带多年前就已经被束之高阁,现在就连要找到都很困难。Cassettes and video tapes went by the wayside years ago. They are very hard to find now.

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NSC-68一直被束之高阁,直到北朝鲜入侵南朝鲜,这份报告才得到批准。NSC-68 remained on the shelf until the North Korean attack, at which time it was approved.

不久之后,我就将这个上网本束之高阁,回头去使用那台即便无网络连接却依旧可以顺利工作的电脑了。Before long, I gave up using the netbook and went back to a computer that could work offline.

你可以上去看看,因为你的父母可能曾经买过一个,但是被束之高阁。You can go up and look at it because your parents probably bought one and it's still up there.

不过自从1999年后再无此计划的相关报道,或许它已经被束之高阁。As of 1999 there have been no public reports concerning this program, which may be in abeyance.

但他也能发现自己实施的政策会被普遍的愤怒之火烧的偏离航道或束之高阁。But he could also find his administration blown off-course or even swept aside by popular outrage.

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有关限制二氧化碳排放的“限制与交易”法案尽管在众议院下通过了投票,但在参议院上却被束之高阁。His cap-and-trade bill to reduce carbon emissions has passed the House but languishes in the Senate.

这将是一个一直持续下去的辩论---至少这总好过将这个问题束之高阁。It is a debate that will run and run—which is, at least, better than brushing the issue under the carpet.

想想自己的下一步行动之前,你必须接受一个合格的角色,否则你会最终束之高阁,Mazzocchi说。Consider your next move before you accept a compliance role, or you'll end up pigeonholed, Mazzocchi says.