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他现在富了,竟然以居高临下的口气对朋友们讲话。Now that he is rich,he talks down to his friends.

那座房子的窗户居高临下阴森森地对着她。The windows of the house stared bleakly down at her.

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从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园。Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.

这个位置居高临下整个江面一目了然。This position clear at a glance down the entire river.

“你在开玩笑吧?”约翰以一种居高临下的口气说。“You're kidding, right?” said John in a condescending tone.

他居高临下地说,“这部电影的预算是五百万美元。”He said patronizingly, "This picture is budgeted at five million."

我常常居高临下,傲视一切,在家里指手划脚。I often condescending, disdain for everything, gesticulating at home.

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不要自己只管滔滔不绝地说,因为那样听起来更像是在居高临下地说教。Don’t talk too much, as you don’t want to sound like you’re preaching.

姚明是他们最高的球员,他在靠近篮网的地方居高临下地占好了位置。Yao is their tallest player. He's taking a dominating position close to the basket.

西曼斯基有理由希望,居高临下的一点道德说教就足够了。Szymanski holds out hope that a bit of moral suasion from high places would suffice.

你也许认为居高临下的和同事讲话可以建立你的威信,但是高傲的态度并不会让你看起来更强,反而会让你的同事憎恨你。You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but a condescending

许多建筑建在半山坡上,有一种居高临下的气势。Many buildings built in the Mid- Levels golf, occupy a commanding position in a momentum.

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雄伟古朴,居高临下,俯瞰全寺,为寺内主要建筑。Majestic simplicity, condescending , overlooking the entire Temple, the main temple building.

而教学只有立足于“策略”的层面才能居高临下,总揽全局。Meanwhile, the teaching only be based on "Strategy"level, can be condescending and all-embracing.

候恩少尉在艇尾的驾驶舱内站了一阵,居高临下,呆呆地望着载兵舱里。Lieutenant Hearn stood for a time on the pilot's hatch at the stern staring down into the troop well.

回顾2000年,美国居高临下,既是一个无可争议的超级大国,也是一个普遍受到赞誉的和平国家。Back in 2000 America stood tall as the undisputed superpower, at peace with a generally admiring world.

对他们要给予补偿,给予重视,给予必要的工具,尤其是不要用居高临下、神气十足地态度对待他们。Give them the compensation, the recognition and the tools they need and above all, don't patronize them.

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她教学的时候,那些话语完全出自于她的内心,她从来不会居高临下,总是凝视着对方的双眼。When she taught it came from her heart and she never talked over you and always looked directly into your eyes.

租房时,我之所以一眼就看中了这间小屋,是因为可以居高临下,赏尽风景。When renting a house, I have a fancy the cabin, because you can look down from a height, as well as scenic tours.

他说话时那副居高临下的神气使他看上去大了两倍,也使他可厌的程度大了四倍。The prosperous patronage with which he said it, made him look twice as big as he was, and four times as offensive.