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海岸线向南延伸。The coastline bent south.

岩石海岸线上的头巾企鹅Chinstrap Penguin on Rocky Coast

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海岸线从此处转向南方。I traveled south along the coast.

国家只拥有23公里的海岸线。The country has only 23 Km of coastline.

浪头拍击着海岸线。The waves battered against the shoreline.

一架飞机向海岸线低飞下来。A plane came winging down towards the coast.

过了这些岩石海岸线就折向西边了。Beyond the rocks the coastline bends westward.

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加拿大是世界上海岸线最长的国家。Canada owns the longest coastline in the world.

大海把岛屿西部海岸线切成锯齿状。The sea indents the western coast of the island.

它冲出三角州,冲平海岸线。It also builds deltas and straightens coastlines.

渡水而过是1英里,沿着海岸线则有4英里。It is a mile by water,four miles round the shore.

海岸线的那头,曾有一座孤塔被灰色笼罩着。There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.

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动海岸线边界用窄缝法处理。The moving shoreline is treated with a slot method.

他越过一片大海,向弯弯曲曲的海岸线飞去。He was flying over a sea, toward a jagged shoreline.

在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。There are long indented coastlines in the South Sea.

我们笑着跑,横越海岸线的蜿蜒。We ran smily and went across the winding coast line.

长时期以来波涛汹涌的海浪冲蚀着海岸线。For eons,the pounding waves ate away at the shoreline.

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不,你不会看到他们时,审时度势海岸线。No, you will not see them when sizing up the shoreline.

而在图片左上角依稀可见美国的海岸线。The U.S. coastline is visible in the upper left corner.

崂山是中国海岸线上的最高峰。Laoshan Mountain is the highest mountain in China coast.