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哇,他真的让你措手不及!Wow, he really threw you a curveball!

悄悄走过去给他来个措手不及。Gumshoe came to him in the past unaware.

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她的背叛让我完全措手不及。Her betrayal took me completely off guard.

公司和政府对在线攻击措手不及。Companies and the government are unprepared.

那是我最后一次感到措手不及。That's the last time I get caught flatfooted.

那艘经过的船造成的回浪让我们措手不及。The backwash of the passing boat took us a surprise.

他的对手被他一记漂亮的反手球打得措手不及。The opponent was wrong-footed by his passing backhand.

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比赛刚一开始,我们就打了客队一个措手不及。At the beginning of the match, we surprised the visiting team.

得知真相后,班尼措手不及,卡通家族阵脚大乱。Know the truth, Benny surprise, cartoon family into confusion.

如果贵司突然提出这个问题,他们也许会感到措手不及。They may be unprepared if you suddenly interpose the solution.

这猖獗而荒唐的行为叫马王二人一时措手不及。The rampant and absurd behavior that prince 2 for people unprepared.

哇,他真的让你措手不及!难怪你气得跳脚。Wow, he really threw you a curveball! No wonder you're so pissed off.

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趁他措手不及,我冲向他,我两都倒在地上。I caught him off guard when I ran into him and we both fell to the ground.

她突然冒出这么一句来,让杰克措手不及。She suddenly interposes such a serious issue which is unprepared for Jack.

“怎么突然问这个呀?”程帆有点“措手不及”。" Why that all of a sudden?" Cheng Fan is a little" be taken by surprise".

为什么希腊债务濒临违约似乎让这么多的投资者措手不及?Why did Greece's brush with default seem to catch so many investors off guard?

但除此之外,他也希望避免在初次露面之时就令市场措手不及.More than that, however, he will want to avoid surprising markets on his debut.

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程咬金与伍云召忽然出现,将杨林杀了个措手不及。Cheng bite gold and WuYunZhao appear suddenly, Yang ling kill caught unprepared.

很多美国人看到昨天总统大选的结果就傻了眼,觉得措手不及。Many Americans were blindsided by the results of yesterday's presidential election.

但是,普金聪明地抛出这先发制人的一招搅得八国组织的其它领导人措手不及。But his move was a clever preemptive strike that threw other G8 leaders off balance.