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秃子不需梳头。The bald need no comb.

我淋浴,洗漱,梳头。I shower, clean up, do my hair.

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为什么不!我用的是我老婆的梳子给你梳头!Why Not! I am using my cutie's comb for you!

我可以用手梳头,可以合掌祈祷。My hands can comb my hair and fold in prayer.

女孩用自己心爱的发刷梳头。The girl fixes her hair with her favourite brush.

效仿玛莎·布雷迪为了头发亮泽,一天梳头100次?As for Marsha Brady's 100 strokes a day for shine?

风住尘香花已静,日晚倦梳头。Ceases the wind fragrant the dust and flowers quiet.

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我用我的梳子梳头并把头发弄成小马辫。I combed my hair with my hair brush and made it into a pony.

洗脸,梳头和用化妆品时,行动要柔柔等。Be gentle when washing your face and hair or using cosmetics.

剪短头发能让你不用明显地梳头盖顶。Cutting thinning hair short lets you avoid obvious comb-overs.

蕊初发,寒冷的冬季,起来慵自梳头。Herald new-onset, cold winter months, up Yong since comb my hair.

我没有想到你的一切需求,你梳头的每种方式。I never thought on everything you want and you everyway fixed your hair.

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她在厨房的水槽里给乔洗了洗脸,梳了梳头,穿好衣服。She washed Jo's face at the kitchen sink, combed his hair and dressed him.

我情绪低落得连梳头的力气都没,更别说帮别人铲雪了。I didn't have the strength to brush my hair let alone shovel someone's walk.

下一次,你梳头的时候,想一想这种神奇的小梳子吧。Think about that one the next time you put a comb or brush through your hair.

护士给秃子梳头梳得太重,弄得他的头顶红得像龙虾一样。The nurse scarified the bald man so hard that his head was as red as a lobster.

在梳妆间里她看到杰西卡还在慢条斯理地梳头。Hurstwood encountered Jessica in her dressing-room, very leisurely arranging her hair.

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头发很密、很美,我喜欢望着她梳头,直到梳得很妥帖。It was really thick and beautiful, and I liked watching her brush it until it was just so.

姥姥每天早上都会在窗前用篦子梳头。Grandmother combs her hair at the window every morning with a double-edged fine-tooth comb.

睡前梳头,可以起到疏通头皮下的血液、保护头发的作用。Before resting combs the hair, may play dredges under scalp's blood, to protect hair's role.