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禀告夫人,我看到9527跟他们在一起。Madam, I have seen 9527 staying with these thieves.

阿拉丁的妈妈把她儿子的愿望向苏丹王禀告。Aladdin's mother told the sultan about her son's wish.

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于是婆罗门向佛禀告他在路上看到的事。Paolumen told him all what he encountered on the road.

马夫急忙跑去把这事禀告将军。The hostler ran to report it to the general immediately.

三个王子回来向国王禀告了自己找到的未婚妻的情况。They returned to the king to tell him about their betrothed.

不要因为是小事就不禀告父母而自作主张去做,那就不合为人子女的道理了。If you act just as you please, then you've not been a dutiful child.

你愿意向神发誓,一切居实禀告,毫不欺瞒?。Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

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普罗尼尔斯禀告,哈姆雷特和欧菲莉亚之间的爱情才是哈姆雷特发疯的真正原因。He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness.

普罗尼尔斯禀告他们,哈姆雷特和欧菲莉亚之间的爱情才是哈姆雷特发疯的真正原因。He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness.

这些事我都私下里如实禀告了父皇,父皇很是欣慰。These matter I secretly such as actually reported a dad emperor, the dad emperor is very joyed.

刘见夫妇一听四喜竟然不禀告他们就私定终身,生气地问四喜把他们置于何地。See couples were not a listen to four xi liu told they were long ago, angrily asked four xi in where.

元帅约定了一个时间,亲切地接见他,并且答应把这件事禀告国王。The field-marshal fixed an hour to see him, received him cordially , and promised to lay it before the Tsar.

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出门前要禀告父母,让他们知道你去了哪里,知道父母时刻关心子女。Before going out, tell your parents where you are going, as parents are always concerned about their children.

出门前我应该先禀告父母,让他们知道我去了哪里,因为父母时刻都在为子女们操心。Before going out, I must tell my parents where I are going. For parents are always concerned about their children.

在此情况下,比丘们实在无法修炼。于是他们回去禀告世尊他们的苦楚。Living under such conditions being impossible, the monks went to the Master and informed him of their difficulties.

禀告王上,这是御膳房拨来的菜,都是这样的素食。Report a king up, this vegetarian food that is to resist the vegetables that the food architecture stirs, all such.

当非力士的国王问我战况时,我将那些无法致信的事情向他禀告了。I had a few dozen men with me. When theKing of Philistia asked me what happened, I told him the unbelievable eventsthat happened.

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回信时切记感谢对方禀告此事,并对买方的不快表示真诚的理解。Remember to thank for letting you being informed about the matter, to show the sincere understanding of the byer's dissatifaction.

儿子禀告我阿华这次来还给我带了栽花的土,这我是知道的,上次她说过的,应该还有一种花苗。When my son A Hua this time back to me with flowers of the earth, I know it, the last time she said, that there should be a sprout.

除此而外,每年之内总管事人时而在信中禀告大灾,时而禀告歉收,时而禀告作坊、工厂改进的必要。Moreover every year the head steward wrote to him of conflagrations, or failures of crops, or of the necessity of rebuilding factories or workshops.