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他不过是个跑龙套的演员。He is just a small-time actor.

里给唱歌的哥哥跑龙套的工作。To sing in the brother walk-on work.

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为什么当韦恩跑龙套跑的时候,罗恩不跑呢?Why will not Ron run while Wayne runs?

他刚开始演戏时是一个跑龙套的。He started his acting career as an extra.

他只是在这部戏的最后一幕跑龙套。He just walked on in the last act in this play.

现在我终于可以亲身参与到这场“戏剧”中,即使是个跑龙套的。Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky.

事实上许多著名的影星就是从身无分文的不起眼的跑龙套的开始的。Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on.

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我最初只是个跑龙套的角色,等了一整天才轮到拍我的镜头。I started from just a walk pass the scene role but wait a day for that shoot.

他们想不通一个堂堂普林斯顿的毕业生,为什么要去好莱坞跑龙套?They think impassability a high-profile Princeton graduate, why go to Hollywood?

在风险投资界,科技风投公司好比是电影明星,生命科学风投公司则是跑龙套的。In the world of venture capital, tech is the movie star and life sciences the second banana.

他们无名无姓,每日在我的剧本——热闹非常的活剧中跑龙套。They are the nameless actors who have a daily walk-on part in my play — the greatest of dramas.

转眼少年进了大学,决心拼进校队,跑龙套也欢喜。When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on."

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经人介绍,他加入了正在蓬勃发展的香港电影业,给人跑龙套。The introduction, he joined the Hongkong film industry is booming, give a person play a bit role.

当劳通过表演找到了这些梦魇的出口时,同学们躲避他像在躲避一个“跑龙套的”。When Lowe sought escape from these nightmares by acting in plays, classmates shunned him as “an acting fag.

一部出色的电影有不同的元素构成,包括闪耀的明星和默默无闻勤奋的跑龙套的。A great movie is based on different elements, including glittering star and some silent industrious walk-on.

换了一个较宽敞的化妆室,装备有楼上那些跑龙套的无名之辈享受不到的便利设施。Instead, a comparatively large and commodious chamber with conveniences not enjoyed by the small fry overhead.

而其他人却断定太阳在气候变化问题上只担当了个跑龙套。Others are equally evangelical in their assertions that the sun plays only a minuscule role in climate change.

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曾经是大学的明星,现在当未来的学生开始他们的大学之旅时,人文学科成了跑龙套的。Once the stars of university life, humanities now play bit roles when prospective students take their college tours.

欧比-万从吉奥诺西斯发来情报时,在最高议长帕尔帕廷的办公室里可以看到跑龙套的莱克茜·戴奥。她由妮科尔·范特尔扮演。Lexi Dio, an extra seen in Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's office during Obi-Wan's report from Geonosis, was played by Nicole Fentl.

由此可见,新闻发言人可能是某个不得志的跑龙套演员,但终于在党的爱抚下,休成正果。From this we can see, the news spokesperson is quite possibly a failed bit actor who with The Party's caress, finally found his motivation.