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米是我们的主食。Rice is our staple food.

北方人的主食是面条。Northern peoples staple fo.

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牛以草为主食。Cattle feed mostly on grass.

大米是日本人的主食。Rice is Japan's staple food.

他们的一直主食是树蜜。One of their staples is honey.

众所周知,牛以草为主食。As is well known, cattle feed on grass.

盒装“主食”米制品或杂配菜Boxed rice “entree” or side-dish mixes.

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熊猫一竹子为主食。Thee panda a bamboo is the staple food.

中国人仍然以米为主食。Chinese people are still living on rice.

拌饭是韩国的主食。Bibimbap Rice is the staple food of Korea.

这些鱼为鲸鱼提供了主食。These fish provide the main food for whales.

另一个“个人发展菜单”上的“主食”。Another staple of a personal development menu.

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松鼠生活于树林间,且以果核为主食。Squirrels live in trees and feed mainly on nuts.

自带你的健康主食或者开胃菜去聚会。Bring your own healthy entrée or appetizer to the party.

馕是维吾尔族人最喜欢的主食。Naan is the most favorite staple food for Uyghur people.

主食、仓库和办公处已经马克斯价格匹配。Staples, Office Max and Office Depot have price matching.

如果办公室是个餐馆,纸应该是每天消耗最多的主食。Fig1. Paper is staple food supposing office is restaurant.

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相当于每天吃六两到八两主食。Equivalent to eat every day Saturday to August staple food.

它们在世界各地都被作为主食They became dominant foods in different parts of the world.

故主食摄取不足可能对记忆力造成损害。Insufficient ingestion of staple food may thus impair memory.