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你可以用锡箔纸裹住它。You can wrap it up in tinfoil.

要我的锡箔纸帽吗?Would you like my tin-foil hat?

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用锡箔纸包裹烤鱼的窍门!Tips to baking fish in aluminium foil!

浙江一锡箔作坊600人铅中毒。Lead poisoning sickens 600 in East China.

她用锡箔纸将烤鸡包起来了。She wrapped the roast chicken up in foil.

“您把锡箔裹在哪里?”一个男士问。"Where do you put the tinfoil?" a man asks.

烧烤的炉子在努力工作。用锡箔包好的玉米被埋入草灰里。BBQ stove is hard The tinfoil wrapped corns are up by ash.

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将蛋糕连盘覆盖锡箔,置于室温中。Cover cake pan with foil and let stand at room temperature.

撕锡箔纸烟盒内整齐的排列着20根香烟。Tear the tinfoil paper cigarette box lined with 20 cigarettes.

这颗锡箔纸小球悬挂的位置必须要正好在锡箔烤盘的边缘外端。The ball should be hanging right next to the edge of the dish.

他开始转动一个摇柄,那个圆柱体和它上面那层锡箔便旋转起来。Edison carefully fixed a sheet of tin foil around the cylinder.

与气球相接的是一些锡箔,它们会产生火花。Attached to the balloon is some tin foil, which will provide a spark.

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所以我们说aluminium,一种金属,锡箔,他们说aluminum。So we say aluminium, you know, the metal, the foil, they say aluminum.

用锡箔纸包好,中间部分要微微隆起,以防止干酪碰到锡箔纸。Cover with foil, tenting in center to prevent cheese from touching foil.

烤箱预热至325度,烤盘扑上一层锡箔纸。Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking tray with non-stick tin foil.

烧烤的炉子在努力工作。用锡箔包好的玉米被埋入草灰里。BBQ stove is working hard. The tinfoil wrapped corns are covered up by ash.

型口粮的罐头和香烟盒包装上皱巴巴的锡箔纸被挂在了松树上当成饰物。C-ration cans and crinkled tinfoil from cigarette packages made do for ornaments.

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后来,牛奶公司把奶瓶口用锡箔纸封起来,想防止鸟儿偷食。After that, the milk deliver company sealed the bottle with foil to keep the birds away.

喔,是的,是顶锡箔帽子炸了波隆那火车站,该死的,现实点吧。Oh yeah, it was a Tinfoil hat that blew up Train station Bolona , get freaking real, ok!

锡箔又薄又脆容易撕裂,录在上面的信息会很快磨损。They were fragile and prone to tearing, and the messages recorded on them soon wore out.