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第三种织造形式是缎纹组织。A third form of weave is the satin weave.

巨型蜘蛛网可能是由群居的蜘蛛共同织造成。The web may be a combined effort of social cobweb spiders.

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织造泡泡纱泡泡牢度较好。It is better to weave the fastness of bubble of seersucker.

乡下的丝绸织造从马可时代开始改变很少。Countryside silkmaking has changed little since Marco’s time.

集条染复精梳,纺纱、织造到后期整理于一体。Collecting dyeing, re-combing, spinning, weaving and finishing.

本公司从事多年绳带织造工作。Our company is engaged in the work of many years of rope weaving.

最后,提出了在设计、织造绞纱织物对应注意的几个问题。Besides, some points worthy of note in leno designing are brought forward.

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苏州迪宇喷气织造有限公司创立于1992年,是一家综合性中外合资企业。Diyu is a comprehensive sino-foreign joint venture company founded in 1992.

分析了三种锥形管状预成型机织物的织造方法。Three weaving methods of cone-shaped tubular woven preforms were discussed.

织造工艺别具匠心,染整技术先进。Weaving technology show ingenuity, dyeing and finishing technology advanced.

它有栽桑、养蚕、缫丝和织造的传统。It has a tradition of mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling and weaving.

用特阔剑杆织机及特阔片梭机织造,纱支精细。Use special broadly Rapier loom and very broadly gripper machine weaving, fine yarn.

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色织大提花沙发布开发基地杭州柯力达纺织装饰织造有限公司。Yarn-dyed Jacquard Sofa Fabric Pilot Plant Hangzhou Kelida Decorative Cloth Co. , Ltd.

郑州锦隆织造有限公司是一家专业生产服装辅料---罗纹布的厂家。Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of garment accessories --- rib cloth manufacturers.

本文论述了调湿处理对经济、高效的织造生产的重要影响。It is shown how important conditioning is especially to economical high-performance weaving.

此台绣花织布机主要用于织造窗帘布和衬衫面料等。This embroidery weaving system is aimed at producing fabrics for e. g. curtains and shirting.

1801年他建造了一台织布机,用一连串打孔卡织造一种组织纹样。He constructed a loom in 1801 that used a series of punched cards to weave a pattern of threads.

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本文叙述了直经输送带的结构和新织造工艺。This paper discusses fabric structure and new weaving technology of straight warp conveyor belt.

经纱可织性一般用织造时的经纱断头率来表示。The weaving performance of yarn is generally expressed in terms of warp breakage rate in weaving.

为开发竹纤维家纺产品,对纺纱、织造各工序工艺参数进行了优化。To develop bamboo fiber household textiles, processing parameters of each process were optimized.