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这里是中国的领海!These are Chinas mare clausum!

英国领海是“军事区”。British waters were a "military area".

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中国完成东海领海基点界标建设工作。Boundary monuments built on East China Sea.

前美海军官员伯纳德说,领海问题仍是一个定时炸弹。The territorial issue remains the time bomb, Mr. Cole said.

预计这些船只将不会进入以色列领海。The ships were not expected to enter Israeli territorial waters.

这台钻井平台活动范围是在中国领海内。The drilling activity of this rig is within China's territorial waters.

在电视镜头上托内承认他们非法入侵了伊朗领海。Turney was shown on the television admitting "illegal entry" into Iranian waters.

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而中方则认为其领海范围应延伸至其大陆架边缘,几乎逼近日本。But Chinasays its zone extends to the edge of the continental shelf, almost to Japan.

护士船舶和飞机维护英国的领海和领空的完整性。RN Ships and aircraft safeguarding the integrity of UK Territorial Waters and Airspace.

他计划在美国的领海开采石油,并使用税收收入发展社会保健事业。He wants to drill for oil off America’s shore, and use a tax-credit to expand health care.

为期两天的海上军事演习是在韩国釜山领海附近举行的。The two-day naval drill is taking place in the waters near the South Korean city of Busan.

平壤方面表示这一打击行动是对韩国海军攻击朝鲜领海的回应。Pyongyang said the strike was in response to the South's navy firing into North Korean waters.

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其它国家随之效法,而且一些国家开始将其领海扩展到12英里。Other countries followed suit, and some started to extend their territorial waters to 12 miles.

中国的领陆,内水,领海,领空神圣不可侵犯。China's territorial land, inland water, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.

外国船舶无害通过中华民国领海之管理办法,由行政院定之。Regulations governing innocent passage of foreign vessels shall be decided by the Executive Yuan.

中国的领陆、内水、领海、领空神圣不可侵犯。China's territorial land, inland waters, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.

最近几周,日本和越南纷纷提出抱怨,称中国侵占其领海。In recent weeks, Japan and Vietnam have complained about what they allege to be Chinese encroachments.

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这架飞机在当地时间上午5时20分-格里尼治时间上午2时20分左右的俄罗斯领海上空被最后一次探测到。The plane was last detected at about 5.20am local time – 2.20am GMT – over Russian terroritorial waters.

马来西亚和印度尼西亚在领海分界线上的纠缠不清则是地区紧张的另一个可靠来源。Another reliable source of regional tension is the hazy maritime frontier between Malaysia and Indonesia.

内水,是指我国领海基线向内陆一侧的所有海域。"Internal waters" means all sea areas on the land-ward side of the baseline of the China's territorial sea.