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这是张又旧又破的桌子。It is a bad old table.

破的别算入在内。Don't count in the broken ones.

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有人一定会把冰敲破的。Somebody will have to break the ice.

最后我们到了一个又老又破的房子。Last we arrived a old and pokey house.

这扇朝南的窗户是破的。The window facing the south is broken.

人永远看不破的风花雪月。People always look out romantic themes.

哎呀,你怎么能住在这么破的地方呢?How can you live in such a shabby place?

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正义的事业是任何敌人也攻不破的。A just cause is invincible before any enemy.

颜料染的过程提供了一个破的样子。Pigment-dyed process provides a broken-in look.

你不能在那上面走,冰面会破的。You cannot walk on that. The ice will not bear.

他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。He was bare-footed, wearing a torn and dirty shirt.

不能再塞任何东西了,否则包会撑破的。Don't stuff anything else in, or the bag will burst.

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我冲进灌木丛推压破的刷子。I rushed into the bush and pushed the crushed brush.

她去年才买的,可现在已经破的不像样了!She bought it last year, and it goes to the dogs now!

每辆现金车都装有两把防撬破的字码锁。Each cash truck had two tamperproof combination locks.

因而,我们必须维持攻不破的防卫力量。So, we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength.

室外用的餐具最好是打不破的。Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.

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肥皂泡破的时候会发出爆破声,但你几乎听不见。When they burst they go pop, but you can hardly hear it.

如果你不小心的话,会把气球撑破的。If you are not careful, you are going to burst the balloon.

你仍然认为英语是世界上最破的语言吗?Do you still think English is the worst language in the world?