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布朗先生是个人所共知的喜欢揩油的人。Mr. Brown is known as a free loader.

「这以及你向人揩油差别,」她说。"It's not like you're some moocher, " she said.

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我拒绝任何用户都是一个揩油者或者占他人便宜者这种看法。I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech.

他入会是来揩油的。He's joining the club in order to take advantage of the others.

无论是人员、物料,还是任何你想得到的项目,都有上百种方法可以从中揩油。There were a hundred ways to do it -men, materials, you name it.

我有一个邻居,专喜欢在公共汽车上揩油。I have this neighbour that likes to grope girls when they are passing by on bus.

那些揩油的家伙想要一顿免费的午餐,但免费午餐可是要钱的——它要花你企业的钱。Freeloaders want a free lunch, and a free lunch is not free--it costs your business money.

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这表明原有结果并没有因想阻止揩油的人受影响。That finding suggested that the original result was not influenced by any desire to prevent freeloaders.

我常常纳闷,会不会有些根本无意购买的人利用这一优惠,趁机揩油。I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege.

有这些证儿在手,姐不用冒着烈日高温、被揩油的危险去挤公交地铁,照样在家里能挣到钱。Children of these cards in hand, braved the scorching heat without sister, was the risk of robbing crowded bus to subway, still can make money at home.

无论是第一次还是第七次约会,很多男的都很介意女人不让她们揩油。Whether it be on the first date or the seventh, many single men don't take lightly to being refused a little hanky panky. Even if they say they're OK with it.