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自始至终,这都是一个忠诚、可靠的爱。It was a loyal and reliable love.

盖茨坐了约一个小时,自始至终沉默不言。Gates sat through it silently for about an hour.

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我们这一项目自始至终都借重她的经验。We drew on her experience throughout the project.

自始至终的超灵,纯洁无暇的灵魂。The Stainless One, Pure Spirit through and through.

有什么证明说他自始至终一直在做梦?What proof is there that he is dreaming the wholetime?

自始至终你们都应该知道,它们的测量方法You should know at all times how you measure anything.

保持一致性,自始至终使用同一种语法风格Be consistent and use the same grammatical style throughout.

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自始至终,她都是一名勤于奉献的公务人员。She has been, and continues to be, a devoted public servant.

不管怎样,Rivers自始至终保持了她的幽默感。Rivers somehow managed to keep her sense of humor throughout.

但是儿科医生没有自始至终地开出维生素点滴的处方。But pediatricians do not consistently prescribe vitamin drops.

自始至终确保完全的公正与失密。Ensure absolutely impartiality and Confidentiality throughout.

这是一个奇妙的夜晚,但我自始至终都有些心神不定。It was a wonderful evening, but I was nervous the entire time.

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他一生自始至终都对他的妻子温情脉脉。He retained a tender affection for his wife to the end of his life.

自始至终,女王都把它珍藏在白金汉宫的卧室抽屉中。She still keeps it in a drawer in her bedroom at Buckingham Palace.

大多数演讲都很糟糕,哪怕演讲人努力自始至终都站得笔直。Most speeches go badly, even if one manages to stay upright throughout.

莫扎特的这一乐章又自始至终是乐式设计的杰作。And yet the movement is a masterpiece of pattern designing all the time.

自始至终,她摘引讨论内容来阐明她的分析。Throughout, she illustrates her analysis with excerpts from discussions.

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七年过去了,我们再也没联系过,也许自始至终都是我在自作多情吧。Seven years past, we haven't contacted, perhaps the first in my affection.

汽车工人联合会自始至终站在底特律破产这场戏剧的正确一边。The UAW has been on the right side of the Detroit bankruptcy drama all along.

招待会自始至终洋溢着热烈友好的气氛。Throughout the reception, it was permeated with warm and friendly atmosphere.