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如果折射率是负的,会发生什么事情?What would a negative index of refraction look like?

对于阶跃折射率双包层光纤,甚至还得到了一个简单的解析公式。As to step index DCF , we even obtain a simple analytic formula.

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减速使新介质获得不同的折射率。The deceleration gives the new medium a different refractive index.

折射计用于测量光学媒介的折射率。With a refractometer the refractive index of optical media is determined.

分析了具有缓变折射率分别限制单量子讲的波导特性。Characteristics of waveguides of GRINSCH-SQW LDs is calculated numerically.

这种方法是应用布如斯特定律在分光仪上实现测量固体的折射率。The method has been realized by using Brewster angle method on spectrometer.

低粘度,固化快,低气味,高折射率和透光率。Low viscosity, fast curing, low odor, high refractive index and euphotic index.

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非线性折射率与泵浦平均功率的平方成正比。Nonlinear refraction index change is proportional to square of mean pump power.

双稳态特性是由入射光的折射率改变所致。The bistability results from the refractive index change due to light injection.

用双曝光散斑法层析了火焰上不同截面的折射率分布。Refractive index at different height in the region above a flame was tomographed.

距离、长度、宽度、高度、路程与折射率均不可能为负数。Distance, length, width, height, path length or refractive index cannot be negative.

讨论了折射率的高频形式,并对负折射现象进行了讨论。The high frequency forms of refractive index and negative refractions are discussed.

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阐述了对流层不同波长激光的大气折射率。The tropospheric atmosphere refractivity of different laser wave length is expatiated.

折射光线的折射率因此在各个方向不同。The index of refraction for the extraordinary ray is therefore a function of direction.

介绍了一种用于全反射法折射率测量的光学系统。A new method was developed for measuring the refractive index based on total reflection.

运用折射率椭球分析晶体的弹光效应。Starting from the index ellipsoid, the elasto-optical coefficient of crystal is analyzed.

该法适用于克尔型或非克尔型介质及芯区折射率非均匀的一般情形。The method can be applied to non-Kerr type films as well as slab guide with graded-index.

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主要考虑强场折射率增强和动态不可逆性。These include dynamically induced irreversibility and the strong-field index enhancement.

用干涉剪像法测定了玻璃表面的折射率分布。The refractive-index distribution in glass was determined by shearing-interference method.

介绍了测量薄透明体厚度及折射率的一种方法。A method of measuring the thickness and refractive index of thin transparency is introduced.