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他有个大蒜头鼻子。He has a huge, bulbous nose.

剁碎蒜头及姜。Chop garlic and ginger finely.

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蒜头车站内停用的货车群。Freight cars at Suan-Tou Station.

菜脯、蒜头、辣椒、葱切末。Dried radish, garlic, pepper, onion mince.

蒜头在最后终于开出了小紫花!Garlic effloresced little purple flowers finally!

用平车制成的陆桥和臂木式号志机。蒜头车站。A flat car was to be a bridge at Suan-Tou Station.

蒜头糖厂特有的不锈钢质饲料车。Stainless-steel bodied feed cars of Suan-Tou Station.

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加入蒜头,洋蓟,韭葱和白葡萄酒。Stir in the garlic, artichokes, leeks, and white wine.

出席罗马宴会时,嘉宾都把蒜头挂在头发上。At Roman banquets, the guests wore garlics in their hair.

蒜头糖厂绕行厂区的观光列车。The tourist train ran around the factory, Suan-Tou Station.

游客较少时的短编加班观光列车,蒜头糖厂。A shorter tourist train for less tourists, Suan-Tou Station.

蒜头糖厂的观光列车停靠于蒜头车站。The tourist train of Suan-Tou Sugar Factory, Suan-Tou Station.

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切开裂口在羊腿的关节位置上,将蒜头塞进里面。Make a slit near the knuckle and place the garlic into the slit.

蒜头、大葱、姜片下油镬走油,或略为爆香亦可。Deep fry garlic, welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic.

他一章方脸上嵌着高额头,粗大的下颚和蒜头鼻。His face was squarish with a high forehead heavy jaw and broad nose.

他一张方脸上嵌着高额头,粗大的下颚和蒜头鼻。His face was squarish, with a high forehead, heavy jaw, and broad nose.

用煎锅把油加热。放上蒜头和洋葱、直到到洋葱变透明。Heat oil in frying pan. Add garlic and onion and cook until onion is clear.

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蒜头剁碎后用中油温将其炸至金黄色。Mince the garlic and fry them until crispy and golden over the medium heat.

煲滚水,放入排骨、汤料及蒜头再煲滚。Boil water. Add spareribs, herbs and garlic cloves and bring to a boil again.

取出小豆蔻籽,放入镬中与油同炒至香气溢出。加入蒜头及姜同炒。Deseed the cardamon, fry it in the saucepan with oil. Then add garlic& ginger.