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他的心灵因屈辱而受伤。His soul was seared by humiliation.

基督在他的屈辱中得到胜利。Christ's triumph was in His humiliation.

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我们不要忘记国家屈辱的历史。We shall not forget national humiliation.

与其屈辱地活着,我宁愿去死。I would rather die than live in dishonour.

他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱。He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.

后退就只能是甘受屈辱和奴役。There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!

许多妇女们说,机场「上下其手」的检查简直是屈辱。Many women say airport pat-downs are a humiliation.

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在那黑暗的年月,他们受过许多屈辱。They suffered many humiliations in those dark days.

有时候,我感到很是屈辱,几欲痛哭。Sometimes I felt so mortified I almost wanted to cry.

对我个人来讲是一个屈辱的经历。To myself the event was both humiliating and insulting.

为了逃避屈辱的婚姻,她逃到父母家。She fled to her parents’ house to escape an abusive marriage.

当被告知由于我年龄过大而不能加入时,我有点感到受了屈辱。I was somewhat mortified to be told that I was too old to join.

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陀思妥耶夫斯基的回答是屈辱,即斯塔夫罗金的“羞耻”。Dostoevsky's reply is humiliation, "shame" according to Stavrogin.

受到这样的屈辱,他情绪激动,气得发抖。Being slandered that way made his blood boil , and he shook with anger.

一南唐后主,肉担降宋,过着如同囚犯的日子,屈辱挨打。Nantang, meat and descending song, live like prisoners day, humiliation.

也许,这才真正是清朝政府所不能接受的“屈辱”。Perhaps, this is the real Qing government can not accept a "humiliating."

要是不这么做,他只会让伤痛、苦恼和屈辱拖得更久。By not doing so he's only prolonging the pain and anguish and humiliation.

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要是不这麽做,他只会让伤痛、苦恼和屈辱拖得更久。By not doing so he's only prolonging the pain and anguish and humiliation.

当时,我内心的感受是屈辱、羞愧、无法接受。At that time, the feeling of my heart is abasement, abashed, cannot accept.

暗黑之星看着他走近,眼里充满了屈辱和恐惧。The Darkstar watched him approach, his eyes filled with contempt and dread.