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我也不知道,这是种取舍。and I don't know, it's a trade off.

作为一个读者,你得做出取舍。As a reader, you face trade-offs with both.

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新剧季到来,电视迷们可能要难做取舍了。TV fans may have tough choicesin new season.

而我无法在这两个女孩中取舍。And I-I can't decide between the two of them.

我们怎么来计算这样的取舍呢?How do we calculate these kind of trade-offs?

我们该如何在两个理论之间取舍?How should we choose between these two views?

以价格和品质间的取舍为例。Take the trade-off between price and quality.

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新剧季到来,电视迷们可能要难做取舍了。TV fans may have tough choices in the new season.

说实在的,你怎么能在两个勃朗特间作取舍呢?Really, how can you pick one Bront? over the other?

说真的,你如何能在勃朗特姐妹之间取舍?Really , how can you pick one Bronte over the other?

人事经理看了简历以后,难以取舍。The personnel manager look after your resume, a toss-up.

在这难以取舍的关键时刻,她将何去何从?In this critical time of a toss-up, she will be where to go?

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第四个问题是涤除权制度取舍。The fourth problem is whether to keep elimination regulation.

取舍交易取决于基本条件。And the terms of this trade-off depend on underlying conditions.

我感觉自己必须在个人生活和事业之间做出取舍。I feel like I have to choose between my personal life and my career.

不再需要在生活水准与人口之间取舍。No trade-off between increases in living standards and population size.

其中一个取舍的结果,就是性与爱的分离。One big difference is man's attitude toward the seperation of sex and love.

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这取决于你如何看待自由和社会层面利益之间的取舍。It depends on what your views are about freedom versus societal level benefits.

然而,他们在取舍的范围工作了多少年后,便开端冤仇自己的工作。However, after years of labor in their chosen field, they begin to hate their jobs.

人们总是在取舍之间徘徊犹豫不决。行文流畅,主题鲜明。People always have difficulty in making choices. Fluent description and clear topic.