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均势外交是伍廷芳采取的外交策略。The diplomatic strategy of balance of power was adopted by Wu.

新政党的壮大打破了力量的均势。The growth of the new political party upset the balance of power.

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第31届圣加仑论文大赛的话题是“新力量均势”。The general topic of the 31st ISC- Symposium was " New Balance of Power ".

棋局为均势时,若要花太多力量去抢优势是危险的。If the position is equal, then playing too hard for the advantage is risky.

这两位深入敌后的边路天使,在多场比赛中打破场上均势并将对手击垮。Those two, breaking from deep, tipped the balance of many games and toppled challengers.

那个时候双方处于均势,俄罗斯也获得了一些机会,虽然同样没有获得成果。Then, Russia equilibrated the balance with some chances, but with the same sterile result.

帝王时代与其他时代不同,设计师有意把它设计成一个“破坏均势”的时代。The Imperial Age is unlike the others, and the designers consider it a sort of "tiebreaker" age.

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一些阳性的次要终点的结果产生了对进一步研究的临床均势。The presence of some positive secondary outcomes creates clinical equipoise for further research.

但它反映的是一种过时的世界秩序,那既不代表当今的全球均势,更不用说未来的了。But it reflects an out-of-date world order, not the current global balance, let alone a future one.

高昂的价格会减少需求从而将产量降低到供给曲线以下,恢复到一个新的、低价格的均势之中。High prices reduce demand and thus move output down the supply curve, resulting in a new, lower-price equilibrium.

但是,当上周副总统投出打破均势的一票后,上议院以微弱多数票否决了该新税制。However, the Senate narrowly rejected the measure this past week on a tie-breaking vote cast by the vice president.

梅特涅当年通过联合这三个君主国家,以形成一个与法兰西拥有“均势”的联盟。Metternich responded by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a "balance of power" against France.

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从日本到越南,这些亚洲国家已经开始奉承美国了,都想拉美国进来作为抗衡他们强大邻居的地缘政治均势。From Japan to Vietnam, Asian nations have cozied up to the U.S. as a geopolitical counterweight to their giant neighbor.

如果他能在蓝领白人中保持这样的领先势头,或者这样的均势,那么,他就很有可能拿下这几个州。And if he maintains this kind of lead, or this kind of balance among blue collar whites, he will probably carry these three states.

很难想起在全球的力量均势体系中,还有那一个时期会同时发生更多的转变,而且其中没几项是对美国有利的。It is hard to remember a time when more shifts in the global balance of power are happening at once — with so few in America’s favor.

海权立国与均势外交根源于美国的地缘特征。American preference for sea power and its pursuit of balance of power in its for Eign policy derive from its geopolitical environment.

1975年到1995年东盟的地区认同指向东南亚地区内部,安全战略是平衡的均势战略。From 1975 to 1995, its regional identify pointed to the inside of the southeast Asia region and security is balance-of-power strategy.

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由于诸多因素的制约,美国被迫放弃单独投资计划,使得鼓噪一时的“联美”“均势外交”的努力陷于流产。Because of the complex factors, the United States was forced to give up its investment plan and made the balance of power diplomacy failure.

坐镇白宫八年的政党通常会在其他地方遭受损失,好像全体选民坚持保持某种均势似的。A party that keeps the White House for eight years customarily suffers losses elsewhere, as if the electorate insists on some kind of equilibrium.

比起近来其它的动态,中国的海外资源收购或许正是世界均势从西向东转移的最佳证明。Perhaps more than any other recent developments, China's global shopping spree reveals how the world's balance of power is shifting from west to east.