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每杯茶都会喝上一个钟头,然后孑孓一身向家中漫走。Each tea lasts an hour then he wanders home alone.

它正在努力想办法是人想的孑孓这个问题了解。He's trying to figure out a way to solve the problem.

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昏睡症由孑孓蝇的啃咬传播。Sleeping sickness is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly.

它通过受感染的孑孓蝇的叮咬而传给人类。It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse of flies.

这些卵在两天至几个月不等的时间内就孵化出叫孑孓蠕动的生物。The eggs produce worm-like creatures called larvae in two days to a few months.

蝾螈的视觉较差,主要依靠嗅觉捕食,以蝌蚪、蛙、小鱼,孑孓、水蚤等为食。Newt visual poor, mainly preying on the sense of smell, fish, Jiejue, Cyclops , such as for food.

吸口气,深深看了孑孓盈立于风雨中的女子,沉吟着道。Absorb tone, deeply saw the larvae of mosquito Ying being signed to the woman in the rains and winds, pondering a way.

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如同孑孓的生长,凝胶状的外膜分解,也许触及化学变化在蝌蚪。As the wrigglers develop, the gelatinous outer membrane decomposes, perhaps triggered by a chemical change in the tadpoles.

“我们当然不会,”宾克说,“还记得上次为了抑制孑孓产卵,他召唤来的那场飓风和六次龙卷风吗?"We certainly didn't, " Bink said. "Remember the hurricane flanked by six tornadoes he summoned to put down the last wiggle spawning?

过去,为了清除孑孓,曾经把整湖的水都放干过,但是这种办法同时也导致许多湖泊干涸,对包括人和野生动物在内的许多生物的用水带来影响。In the old days, entire lakes were drained to kill off mosquito larvae, but that also eliminated the lakes for a wide range of other users, including humans and wildlife.