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高智能的软体也可以减少医疗疏失。Smart software can also reduce medical errors.

我们不能再有任何安全上的疏失。We cannot afford any further lapses of security.

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司机的疏失可能是这起意外的肇因。The driver's carelessness may have contributed to the accident.

有时候这样的医疗疏失不需要用到花巧的科技就可以预防。Sometimes such errors can be prevented without fancy technology.

我的疏失导致左脚膝盖,在每向下走一步就疼痛起来。My forgetfulness made the left knee painful at each downhill step.

由于我们的疏失导致贵公司的不便,请接受我们深深的歉意。Please accept our apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error.

犯下小小疏失,有一阵子,据传她的广告方面的身价削减了一半。For a time, the peccadillo reportedly cut in half her asking price for ad work.

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用药疏失将会造成医疗资源浪费,增加不少的社会成本。Medicine misuses result in medical resources waste and significant society costs.

然该教材在选文的注释、断句、翻译方面存在某些疏失。However, there are some errors in text explanation, punctuation, translation, etc.

那名员工因为老闆无法再忍受他所犯的疏失而遭到解雇。The employee was fired because his boss could not put up with his mistakes any longer.

上课时即使听得再认真、笔记做得再勤快,也不免有疏失之处。You may lose some information even though you listen carefully and take notes in time.

这个疏失已经让国家付出了高昂代价——无论字面还是隐喻。It was a failure for which the country has paid heavily – metaphorically and literally.

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除法律另有规定外,甲方毋须为乙方因任何行为偏差或疏失所造成之损害负责。Subject to the provisions otherwise provided for in the applicable laws, Party A shall.

根据当天围观的粉丝表示,这极有可能是剧组的人为疏失。According to bystanders that day, this accident may have been caused by the crew's error.

初步调查显示,工程疏失导致了这起事故,事发时起重杆超负荷。A preliminary investigation showed the crane was overloaded, which resulted in the accident.

从上次给你写信以来似乎好久好久了,今晚不忙,我决定来弥补一下这一疏失。It seems ages since I wrote to you. I decided to repair the omission as I wasn't busy this evening.

拉宾度公司一位女发言人表示,目前要下结论说,拉宾度有疏失,仍言之过早。A spokeswoman for Lapindo said that it was too early to conclude that Lapindo had acted negligently.

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曼彻斯特大学的地质学考试,在一名学生发现这项疏失后陷入一团混乱。The geology exam at Manchester University descended into chaos when the error was spotted by a student.

马英九表示,我们将对政府的表现进行评估,确保找到疏失的地方。Mr. Ma said 'we will have a review of the performance of the government to make sure to identify the mistakes.'

世界银行还有一项良心不安的疏失,就是世银许多失败的援助计画都集中在全球最贫困的地方,非洲。Yet another ground for self-reproach was that the failure was concentrated in Africa, the poorest part of the world.