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他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。He's standing trial for thieving.

这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。The banker absconded with embezzled funds.

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那个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。The banker absconded with embezzled funds.

她的行为已经涉嫌犯罪。Her activities has been wrapped up in crime.

他因涉嫌在街上行骗而被拘捕。He was arrested for humbugging in the street.

台湾前领导人李登辉涉嫌挪用公款被起诉。Ex-Taiwan leader Lee indicted on graft charge.

丈夫辱骂妻子将涉嫌违法。France 'to criminalize shouting at your wife'.

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他涉嫌为这次凶杀案的同谋。He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder.

他因涉嫌抢劫和涉枪犯罪而遭通缉。He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences.

涉嫌殴打通话钢厂总经理致死的嫌犯在长春被捕。China detains chief suspect in steel exec's death.

你因为涉嫌谋杀皮埃尔·福盖而被捕了!You are under arrest for the murder of Pierre Fuquet.

您乘坐的这辆车涉嫌非法营运。The car you took is suspected as operating unlawfully.

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他被怀疑涉嫌这起受贿案。He was suspected to be concerned with the bribery case.

林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor.

他涉嫌的一起案件中,他由于认错人而误杀了至少一个人。He killed at least one man in a case of mistaken identity.

这些少年涉嫌于这宗案件。The teenagers are suspected of being involved in the crime.

英国军队也曾涉嫌射杀平民。Questionable shootings of civilians by UK troops also figure.

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此人拥有众多未公布的家产,因涉嫌金融违规操作正在被调查。He is being investigated for alleged financial irregularities.

可我目前仍是一名涉嫌违反核辐射安全法的嫌疑犯。But I am still suspect for crime against the radiation safety law.

后来,有九名泰国士兵因涉嫌参与该案被捕。Nine Thai soldiers were later arrested in connection with the case.