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我很尊敬他。I respect him.

被尊敬。Being respected.

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你将赢得尊敬。Youll win respect.

一点儿也不尊敬长辈。no respect at all.

尊敬你的长辈。Respect your betters.

我该怎样尊敬他们?I am to esteem them how?

造像即是尊敬。To portray is to honour.

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这使他受到尊敬。This obtained him respect.

尊敬的客人们,朋友们!Esteemed Guests and Friends!

张先生是一位可尊敬的长者。Mr. Zhang is a valued elder.

所以他得到了很多人的尊敬。And so he got a lot of honor.

我该怎样尊敬他们?How am I supposed esteem them?

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尊敬的堪培拉大学副校长斯蒂芬•帕克教授Vice-Chancellor Stephen Parker

尹斌庸先生为什么令我尊敬?。Why I Respect Mr. Yi Bingyong?

尊敬的出题老师你想到了吗?。You think you teacher respect?

他的行为使他受到尊敬。His actions made him respected.

她是一位令人尊敬的心理学家She is a respected psychologist

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那为了表示对妈祖的尊敬。To show their respect for Mazu.

尊敬的孔达副总统阁下Your Honor Vice President Kunda

更是一个尊敬问题。but also an honorific question.