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手榴弹的五秒引信总会在三秒内烧完。Five second fuses forever blaze three seconds.

顶盖是在引信旋转和封闭。The top cover is rotated and closed over the fuze.

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研究了伪码调相引信信号的解调技术。The demodulation technique of PRCPM fuze signal is studied.

该程序在引信故障树分析中起一定的指导作用。This program is suited for the fault tree analysis of fuze.

它山雷体和引信两大部分组成。Its Shan Leiti and blasting fuse two major part compositions.

结果提出了引信智能化设计的基本思想。Results The basic idea of intelligent design was presented in fuzes.

在这里你可以看到很好的引信被删除,然后重新连接。Here you can see where the fuze well was removed and then re-attached.

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激光引信小型化是激光引信的关键技术。Laser fuze circuit miniaturization is the key to laser fuze technique.

对交流毫米波引信的目标识别与定位方法进行研究。Studies features of target identification and orientation of AC MMW fuze.

跳弹的引信只有15秒,没有任何出错的余地。The skip bombs were fused at fifteen seconds there was no room for error.

对引信故障树进行分析时,应以一定的方式逐步进行。In order to analyse the fault tree of fuze, We must follow certain methods.

伪随机码引信电路的设计与仿真。Design, simulate and evaluate the circuit of the fake pseudo-noise code fuze.

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共形微带天线是无线电引信中的一项关键技术。Conformal microstrip antenna is known as a key technique in radio fuze system.

对我国发展舰空导弹引信提出了建议。Finally, it suggests how to develop new ship-to-air missile fuse for our navy.

基于对引信设计的可生产性考虑,开发了工艺与成本分析软件。The process and cost analysis software is designed for producibility of fuzes.

激光引信抗悬浮粒子干扰能力不强,一直是需要解决的重大问题。Resisting suspend particle interference is an important problem for laser fuze.

对目标进行选择攻击和抗扫是水雷引信智能化的重要体现之一。One embodiment of mine fuze intelligence is attack judgment and anti-minesweeping.

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研究建立了无线电引信模拟打靶质量检测系统。The paper sets up a quality measurement system of a simulated target for a radio fuze.

首先介绍了被动式静电引信的工作原理。This paper first presents the working principle of passive detection electrostatic fuze.

施乐公司使用非接触式,闪现光波热红外引信纳入专门碳粉。Xerox uses non-contact, flashed light wave IR heat fusing incorporating specialized toners.