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“露宿在公园里?”修行者问道。"In the open air?" Asked the yogi.

我们在那个地区露宿过夜。We bivouacked for the evening in that area.

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纽约中央公园里有许多露宿街头,捡破烂的“女人”。There are lots of bag ladies at Central Park.

这些旅行者在树阴下露宿。The travellers camped under the shade of trees.

这个旅的士兵现在密林中露宿。Soldiers are now sleeping rough in dense jungle.

他们在野地露宿,靠吃野莱生活。They camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

他逃学,露宿街头。He neglected his schooling and lived on the streets.

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罗得和他的女儿们暂时露宿在一个洞里。Lot and his daughters camp out in a cave for a while.

我在旅馆住了一晚,另外两晚露宿。I stayed at a hotel one night, and camped another two.

游击队员在野地露宿,靠吃野菜生活。The guerrillas camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

工作保住了,暂时不用担心餐风露宿的问题了。The work is saved, temporarily not worry lived outdoors problem.

她的族人仍然与牲畜一起露宿在星空下。Family men still live under the stars, staying close to their animals.

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更不幸者只能在车中露宿,或在空仓库中过夜。The less fortunate might sleep in their cars or a vacant storage unit.

他们露宿街头,为求果腹四处觅食,恶梦连连难以入睡。They have slept on the street, foraged for food and suffered nightmares.

于是我和靳兄一起回寝室拿一些露宿必需品。Miss Jin and I returned to our bedroom to take some sleeping necessities.

由于夏季室内气温高、湿度大,人们喜欢露宿。Because of high summer indoor temperature, humidity, people like to sleep.

露宿街头可以将你置于被他人伤害或者操纵的危险当中。Living rough can put you at risk of being harmed or manipulated by others.

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城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street.

夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人在海滩上露宿。Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches.

那儿有一簇簇架在一起的步枪,晃动的枪刺和露宿的士兵。There could be descried piles of guns, moving bayonets, and troops bivouacking.