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首先,随便去一家烤肉串的摊子。First, go to any döner kebab stand.

卖热狗的摊子前排着长队。There is a long line at the hotdog stand.

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而这一大摊子只是为了每天挣四个苏!And all that in order to earn four sous a day!

街角也有出售国旗的摊子。Flag sales are a street corner cottage industry.

我立在一个卖红枣的摊子边等候。I stood by the stall of a seller of dates and waited.

对不起,能否告诉我卖爆玉米花的摊子在哪里吗?Excuse me, could you tell me where the popcorn stand is?

摊贩站在小小的拥挤不堪的摊子后面。Stallholders stand behind tiny tightly cluttered stalls.

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那些四方形、没有品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。Candy barscigarettes are sold from boxy, tasteless kiosks.

那些四方形、没有品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。Candy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy tasteless kiosks.

有钱人从来不买路边摊子上的贱物。Rich people never buy cheap goods from vendors at the roadside.

我知道一家看手相的摊子,听说很准哦。I know of a palm reading stall , and it is said tobeveryaccurate.

他1992年去了威尔士上大学然后对我说‘这个摊子就留给你照看了。’He went to college in Wales in '92 and said 'I'll leave it to you.'

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晚了,饭店也关门了,小丁建议去小摊子上弄小吃。Later, the hotel closed, Xiaoding recommendations to make snack stalls.

有一天,他们逗留直到摊子收摊,结果发现骇人的事实。One day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts!

于是,他们便在外院设立了贩卖牛羊和兑换银钱的摊子。So the cattle stalls were set up and the money changers went into business.

我的意思是不用帮他收拾那堆乱摊子,不会完全迷失自己。I mean, not trying to fix everything for him, just not totally losing myself.

我妈让我从住处附近的一个摊子上买些甜瓜带过去。My mother had asked me to get some melons at the stand near my house and bring them over.

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我做小本生意的,别没收我的摊子好不好?我们全家老小就指着这个小摊呢。I told you not to move, so don't move. Be good and park the cart! Don't obstruct official business.

他们不想看到你开了很多新的财务帐目和债务企图摊子铺贵。They don't want to see you opening a lot of new accounts and trying to overextend your financial debt.

莫斯科小摊子上的面包商Olga今天这么表示。It's stayed the same for other things like biscuits," Olga, a bread-seller at a Moscow kiosk, said today.