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有人狂舞中唤起回忆!Some dance to remember!

他的演讲唤起了我的兴趣。His speech rouses my interests.

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个人电脑变成了唤起情欲的地带。The PC becomes an erogenous zone.

气的潜势被唤起。The breath-potential gets aroused.

爱,能唤起所有的眷念。Love, can arouse all of the fondly.

他以其雄辩术唤起民众。He roused the masses with his oratory.

我唤起民众对自然的热爱。I am awakening people's love of nature.

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此熟悉之名召唤起我所有的哀恸。That well-known name awakens all my woes.

我们必须唤起他们同敌人斗争。We must arouse them to fight with enemies.

觉照性的爱可唤起相同效应同体大悲。Conscious love evokes the same in response.

没有东西可唤起她对这次旅行的兴趣。Nothing can awake her interest in this trip.

这景象唤起了我对青年时代许多往事的追想。The scene awakened reminiscence of my youth.

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这景象唤起我年轻时的往事。The scene awakens reminiscences of my youth.

气味是唤起回忆的重要纽带之一。Scent is one of the strongest ties to memory.

有人狂舞中唤起回忆,而有人狂舞着是为了忘记?。Some dance to remember, some dance to forget?

她唤起了女士深红色嘴唇的动人之处。She evokes the beauty of the Lady's rubied lip.

用黄色唤起愉快、高兴的感情。Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings.

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应唤起整个文明世界来反对战争。All civilization ought to be aroused against war.

纳金未能唤起新奥尔良飓风灾难。Nagin failed raised New Orleans Katrina disaster.

这部旧电影唤起他童年时的回忆。The old movie evoked the memory of his childhood.