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目的建立苦参碱脂质体的制备工艺。Objective To establish preparation of matrine liposome.

以上结果说明,氧化苦参碱是细胞色素P-450的诱导剂。The results indicated that Oxymatrine is a inducer of P-450.

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爱还像苦参茶一样的苦。Likes also looking like the Sophora flavescens tea same pain.

苦参类生物碱抗肿瘤作用。The Anti-Tumor Activity on Alkaloid of Sophora Favescens Ait.

结论苦参素具有较强抗乙肝病毒作用。Conclusion The oxymatrine has the strong anti-HBV virus function.

目的考察苦参素分散片生物等效性。Aim To study the bioequivalence of oxymatrine dispersible tablets.

目的观察苦参碱对病毒性角膜炎的治疗效果。Aim To observe the therapeutic efficacy of Matrine on viral keratitis.

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苦参碱是极具有开发应用价值的天然植物杀虫剂。Matrine is one of natural plant pesticides with high value application.

目的探讨苦参中苦参碱的含量测定方法。Objective To study on determination of matrine in Radix sophora flavescens.

而且,植株年龄与苦参干燥根中氧化苦参碱含量呈相关。Plant age is positively related to the total root biomass and oxymatrine content.

目的采用溴甲酚绿法测定苦参总碱。Aim To determine total matrine concentration by exploring bromocresol green method.

目的研究复方苦参注射液的抗肿瘤作用机制。Objective To study the mechanize of anti-tumor effect of Complex Sophorae Injection.

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以乳化-化学交联法制备苦参碱白蛋白微球。Matrine albumin microspheres were prepared by emulsion-chemical cross linking method.

本文总结了近年来苦参碱在抗肿瘤研究中的最新进展。In the review we summarize the research progress of matrine in the anti tumor mechanism.

目的研究复方苦参注射液的抗肿瘤作用机制。Objective To explore the inhibitory effects of Kushen injection on NF-kB of macrophages.

结论本研究为开发苦参碱的口服剂型提供依据。Conclusion This study would offer foundation of developing orally preparation of Matrine.

苦参采收期与生物碱含量关系的研究。Study on Relation between Collecting Stages and Alkaloid Content of Sophora flavescens Ait.

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目的制备苦参素缓释微丸,并研究其体外释药性能。Objective To prepare marine sustained-release pellets and study its release characteristics.

结论此方法适用于测定苦参中苦参碱的含量。Conclusion This method could be used to determination of matrine in Radix sophora flavescens.

苦参碱具有广谱杀虫活性,对叶螨、菜青虫、蚜虫均具有活性。Matrine had broad-spectrum killing pesticide activity to acaridae, Pieris rapae L. and aphid.